dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
MIT License
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Using the open AHP hotkey to also close it #144

Open PiorGit opened 5 months ago

PiorGit commented 5 months ago

Hello and thank you for this excellent piece of software.

I'd love to have the option to close the currently open pie by pressing the hotkey that was used to open it (similarly to what the Esc key does when the option is enabled). Or perhaps more generally, having the ability to set a specific hotkey to close the pie.

This isn't needed most of the time when the menu is actually being used to trigger actions ; but I do find myself wanting to close it with a quick tap of a hotkey when I am reviewing it for some edits for instance.

Admittedly I probably wouldn't feel this need if I was using a complex hotkey combo with modifier keys to trigger the menu ; but as I do have a single physical key dedicated to it it feels quite natural to want to tap it again to close.

Forikundo commented 4 months ago

This would be specially usefull with the "Hover over all selections" Activation mode, because it forces you to chose some of the pie otions to exit

Forikundo commented 4 months ago

Nvm I just find out that theres an option for that. Mr Dumbeau always ahead of us

PiorGit commented 4 months ago

@Forikundo : what is this option ?

Forikundo commented 4 months ago


PiorGit commented 4 months ago

Interesting - that certainly looks like what I was after ... but it seems to have no effect. Does if behave as expected for you ? (I use the "Click Selections" activation mode BTW).

Forikundo commented 4 months ago

Yes and no, haha I have this menu triggered by f18. In the keyboard It does behave as expected, but in the pen tablet it doesn't. I have the option "Hover over all selections" because the pen tablet sends a F18 stroke, it doenst hold the key, and there is where it doesn't work the "exit menu" option. So If I accidentally open the pie menu with my pen I have to close it with the keyboard

KristjanLaane commented 3 months ago

Im forced to use "Hover over all selections " and "Exit Menu" doesnt work for me either unfortunately. would be very useful to get it to work.