dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
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In "Function" add a text field to write an AHK script #150

Open Forikundo opened 2 months ago

Forikundo commented 2 months ago

Hi, Idk if It's complicated but I wanted to ask if It's possible to add a field to write an AHK script directly. Up until now I've been using the "run file" option but I've realised that if I change computers or something like that It's a little messy because I need to put the files in the same exact location. I believe it would be cleaner to have a field like that.

Here is one screenshot of the idea


vfxturjo commented 2 months ago

I was wanting this too, it would be very helpful if these things are added:

image ability to open in external editor of choice set in settings > [Open in External...]

Forikundo commented 2 months ago

Could you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand this "open external" feature

vfxturjo commented 2 months ago

apologies for not being clear. open external means "open in external editor of choice" for example: VSCode or notepad++ etc or simple windows notepad where user can write, modify and save.

when a pie is set to "run file", we have to specify the location of the file. be it an exe file or an AHK file. suppose we have an AHK file that we set as the "run file" option. now, to modfiy the code, we have to manually browse to that file and then open the AHK file with our editor of choice.

But this option "write AHK script" or "run AHK script" (alternative name) can have:

an option could be helpful, like - if path is omitted, AHP will store it in its own folder ("custom AHK scripts" or any name) as an AHK file. that way, we can copy it outif we need. also, there can be a dropdown option to choose from already existing AHK files in the "custom AHK scripts" folder. that way,

I think this will be helpful when these features are implemented

Forikundo commented 2 months ago

I get it now, thanks for the explanation. I like the idea :D