dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
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Please add 3dsmax support to execute / run .ms .mse and .py files #152

Open justml opened 2 months ago

justml commented 2 months ago

hello. It will be nice if we can execute external scripts/tools from the pie menu inside of the 3dsmax software. For the moment it just open the file in an external text editor, like notepad.



Forikundo commented 1 month ago

If u set from windows explorer the software you want this script to open with I think it would work for you. If not you can create an AHK script very easy to trigger this function

justml commented 1 month ago

If u set from windows explorer the software you want this script to open with I think it would work for you. If not you can create an AHK script very easy to trigger this function

if I set from windows explorer will open a new session of 3dsmax. I should try to create an AHK script but I don't know how. I don't know this language. Can you help me? thx

Forikundo commented 1 month ago

Okay so what would you need your computer to do? open this script from 3dsmax? or open iw using 3dsmax while you have an instance of 3dsmax open?

justml commented 1 month ago

Okay so what would you need your computer to do? open this script from 3dsmax? or open iw using 3dsmax while you have an instance of 3dsmax open?

run the script file (.ms) inside of the current instance of 3dsmax.

Forikundo commented 1 month ago

And how do you get that? In 3ds max you go "run script" and look for that or dragging from the explorer the file to 3ds max?

justml commented 1 month ago

well, it can be drag and drop from win explorer to the 3dsmax viewport as you said or from the menu scripts->run script. But it can be execute by macro script with command "on execute do (...)" or by command "fileIn" and the (scriptPath + scriptName + scriptFileType) as string. So in my case the code will be: < fileIn "B:\Dropbox\ML_Tools\Tools\Teste\menuModifiers.ms" >

justml commented 1 month ago

Sorry for spam, but I found this on the internet. where I can paste this code in the AutoHotPie to test it?

{ WinActivate, Autodesk 3ds Max ControlSetText, MXS_Scintilla2, , Autodesk 3ds Max Control, EditPaste, fileIn "B:\Dropbox\ML_Tools\Tools\Teste\menuModifiers.ms", MXS_Scintilla2, Autodesk 3ds Max ControlSend, MXS_Scintilla2, {Enter}, Autodesk 3ds Max Return }

Forikundo commented 1 month ago

You can create an AHK script (It's just a text file with the .ahk extension) and execute it to see if it works. But I would remove the brackets. It would be something like this:

WinActivate, Autodesk 3ds Max ControlSetText, MXS_Scintilla2, , Autodesk 3ds Max Control, EditPaste, fileIn "B:\Dropbox\ML_Tools\Tools\Teste\menuModifiers.ms", MXS_Scintilla2, Autodesk 3ds Max ControlSend, MXS_Scintilla2, {Enter}, Autodesk 3ds Max Return

Id help you more but I'm at work and can't be too distracted haha

justml commented 1 month ago

Id help you more but I'm at work and can't be too distracted haha

ok. no problem. I am at work as well :) this is the result of the code inside of the .ahk file when I run it from the autohotpie. image