dumol / PixelPerfect

Pixel-perfect font rendering under Wayland and X.org
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Firefox ignores local aliases when remote fonts are blocked through uBlock Origin. #2

Open dumol opened 3 years ago

dumol commented 3 years ago

Firefox doesn't load local fonts on some sites, e.g.

  1. "Libre Baskerville" for https://theconversation.com/cycling-is-ten-times-more-important-than-electric-cars-for-reaching-net-zero-cities-157163.
  2. "URW Gothic" as an alias for "Century Gothic" on https://e.foundation/about-e/.

However, they are loaded on other sites. e.g. https://www.cssfontstack.com/Baskerville and https://www.cssfontstack.com/Century-Gothic.

Tested with Firefox 87.0.

dumol commented 3 years ago

This might not be a Firefox bug. If blocking remote fonts with gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled set as false, things work as expected.

The issue here seems to be caused by blocking remote fonts through uBlock Origin. Interestingly, it only affects Firefox, not Chromium, where blocking remote fonts through this extension works just fine.

dumol commented 3 years ago

Reported upstream as https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1631.