@cheolhwanyoo I have updated the MRSA train and test code.
There are some tips, hope that can help you.
MSRA dataset has 2 versions. We used the order while the v2v-posenet used the new. So we didn't use its com. Here we use a com (center of mass) calculated by the depth map samed as deep-prior.
In the data preprocessing, we use a dynamic bounding box to crop the training dataset , while testing, we use a rigid size of (175,175,175) to deal with different subject's hand sizes. You can find them in the data/importers.py/
For the online data augment, change the camera info (fx,fy,cx,cz) .
Thank you very much for sharing your project!
When I trained msra using depth thresholding or pretrained com from v2v-posenet, performance was not good as I expected .
I want to know how you get the com in msra dataset.
Thank you.