duncanthrax / scream

Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Public License
1.69k stars 142 forks source link

Updating drivers for *Scream from `\Scream\Install\driver\x64\Scream.inf` #202

Open brunosanson opened 12 months ago

brunosanson commented 12 months ago

My CI project was running on Windows and today (JUL/07/2023) it started to fail:

Run Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/duncanthrax/scream/releases/download/3.8/Scream3.8.zip -OutFile Scream3.8.zip

PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher

Thumbprint                                Subject                                                                      
----------                                -------                                                                      
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed...
Updating drivers for *Scream from D:\a\my-project\my-project\Scream\Install\driver\x64\Scream.inf.
Error: The operation was canceled.

In the last revision, the file scream-master\Install\driver\x64\scream.cat appears with the certificate expired (JUL/07/2023).

duncanthrax commented 12 months ago

Time flies :) I'll get a new signing cert next week.

josiah-wolf-oberholtzer commented 11 months ago

Any chance of renewing the cert?

Really appreciate the project btw 🙏 It's made cross-platform audio testing a breeze.

duncanthrax commented 11 months ago

These days, code signing requires a hardware key store and an extraordinary amout of money. I have ordered a kit from certum.eu, but it hasn't arrived yet. They have special pricing for Open Source projects. I hope that this will work.

josiah-wolf-oberholtzer commented 11 months ago

Ugh, that's horrible. Thank you for the update!

Gustl22 commented 11 months ago

Thank you @duncanthrax, this is an unfortunate limitation of windows.

I now edited the registry with:

New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy" -Name "UpgradedSystem" -Value "00000001"  -PropertyType "dword"

But the command:

Scream\Install\helpers\devcon-x64.exe install Scream\Install\driver\x64\Scream.inf *Scream

still fails with:

Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed...
Updating drivers for *Scream from C:\Users\Gustl\Downloads\test audio device\Scream\Install\driver\x64\Scream.inf.
devcon-x64.exe failed.

Or does the cert still need to be valid even with this option enabled?

I appreciate the work and I understand if this is not something on the priority list :) Have a nice day ;D

adonisd commented 11 months ago

FYI, you can still buy a code signing certificate without a hardware key. We purchased one ourselves from here (sectigo.com) and it's been working fine

duncanthrax commented 11 months ago

@adonisd it seems that since June 1 this year, a hardware key is required. But that isn't the problem, see my next post.

duncanthrax commented 11 months ago

Some bad news. I've jumped through all the burning hoops to get a hardware kit, new cert + the signtool plumbing right. I've used certum.pl, they have an "Open Source" offering for code signing at a very reasonable price (EUR 25 per year).

However, that cert uses a chain which does not allow verification for kernel mode drivers. You'd need the EV mode cert, which isn't available for the Open Source pricing. The EV mode cert comes in at around EUR 250 per year, if you take the 3-year package (749 EUR total). That is a bit too much for me to spend on a hobby project. I have looked for alternatives, but there are none, it seems.

Going forward, I need someone else to sign the driver. Wether that person (or Organization) already has a kernel-capable EV cert, or buys one, does not really matter. It also does not matter whose name is baked into the signature. I don't think any of the Scream users care.

So, if any of you guys have a commercial or philantrophic interest, and you already have an EV cert, or can spare the cash to afford one, let me know.

adonisd commented 11 months ago

Hey I might have a stupid way to solve this, on Windows if we set the date to July 4th, we can then install the driver successfully, then we can revert the date back. Here is a portion of my script that works:

  $currentDate = Get-Date

  Write-Host "Current Date: $currentDate";
  $newDate = Get-Date "2023-07-04 12:00:00";

  Write-Host "Setting date to: $newDate to circumvent cert issue";
  Set-Date $newDate;
  # ! Scream driver certificate expired on July 5th, to avoid issues while installing driver we set the clock to July 4th, install the driver
  # ! then revert back to the original date/time
  # ? Get Latest release from the github repo
  $gitRepo = "duncanthrax/scream";
  $latest = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri https://api.github.com/repos/$gitRepo/releases/latest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty tag_name);
  # ? Download latest release
  Invoke-Webrequest -Uri https://github.com/duncanthrax/scream/releases/download/$latest/Scream$latest.zip -Out "scream.zip";
  Expand-Archive scream.zip
  # ? Extract the certificate from the driver file
  # ! We need to import the certificate to TrustedPublisher so that we can install the driver unattended.
  $driverFile = 'scream\install\driver\x64\Scream.sys';
  # ? Extract Cert
  $cert = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature $driverFile).SignerCertificate;
  Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -FilePath $PWD\scream\scream.crt
  # ? Install Cert in Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher
  Import-Certificate -FilePath $PWD\scream\scream.crt -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher
  # ! We need to remove the "pause" at the end of their batch script to make sure we can go ahead unattended.
  Set-Content -Path $PWD\scream\install\install-x64.bat -Value (get-content -Path $PWD\scream\install\install-x64.bat | Select-String -Pattern 'pause' -NotMatch)
  # ? Install the SCREAM WDDM driver
  cmd.exe /c $PWD\scream\install\install-x64.bat
  # ? Cleanup
  rmdir -Force -Recurse .\scream
  rm -Force .\scream.zip
  # ? Enable Audio SRV STARTUP
  Set-Service -Name audiosrv -StartupType Automatic;
  Set-Service -Name audiosrv -Status Running -PassThru;
  # ? Revert back to current date
  Set-Date $currentDate;
madame-rachelle commented 11 months ago

If you're not sure about running scripts you can also open an admin command prompt, type "date" and enter a new date (i.e. 2023-07-01, must be typed to match your regional settings obviously) - quickly install the driver - then type "date" again to set the date back to today.

Gustl22 commented 11 months ago

@adonisd I think resyncing is more precise:

net stop w32time; Set-Date (Get-Date "2023-07-04 12:00:00")
# Do installation ...
net start w32time; w32tm /resync /force; $currentDate = Get-Date; Write-Host "Current Date: $currentDate";

For Github Actions, note that you have to disable the time sync for Hyper-V before, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/discussions/8105#discussioncomment-6749870 :

      - name: Disable time sync with Hyper-V
        run: |
          Set-Service -Name vmictimesync -Status stopped -StartupType disabled
          Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time\Parameters -Name 'Type' -Value 'NoSync'