duncs / clusterssh

Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH
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no support for 4k screens #136

Closed bodsch closed 1 year ago

bodsch commented 3 years ago

Currently there is - for me - no support for 4k screens. The TK window is so small that you can hardly see anything.

I have built a hotfix that fixes this for me. But I would appreciate it if there was a general and clean solution. https://github.com/duncs/clusterssh/blob/6cbec687bdffe009a6ac1820c146527635546133/lib/App/ClusterSSH/Window/Tk.pm#L1281-L1283

        = MainWindow->new( -title => "ClusterSSH", -class => 'cssh', );
    $windows{main_window}->optionAdd('*font', 'Nimbus 14'); # better for 4k displays
    $windows{main_window}->withdraw;    # leave withdrawn until needed

Original: cssh_without_patch

with Nimbus 12 cssh_with_patch

with Nimbus 14 cssh_with_patch_2

GerMalaz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this.

sterni1971 commented 1 year ago

Great! Should be an option in the config file.