duncs / clusterssh

Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH
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some thoughts concerning tiling (again) #146

Open sandyWolf opened 2 years ago

sandyWolf commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'd like to open 69 ssh sessions simultaneously. And I've found the only one way to deal with this pack of windows: 'hardcode' a display position for each specific terminal. I.e. xterm for hostA should be placed at position +0+0, hostB -- +0+32,.. hostZ -- +777+240 and so on.

Now I try to find a way do so. So, my questions:

1 Is there any way to set xterm 'geometry' option for specific host via "clusters" or "tags" files?

2 Is there any way to add (append) terminal to existing cssh instance from command line, something like this:

cssh           --term-args "-geometry +500+100" user@hostA &
cssh --append  --term-args "-geometry +700+300" user@hostZ &