duncs / clusterssh

Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH
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Clusterssh for other protocols / programs, e.g. smb (using smbclient)? #159

Open daute opened 2 months ago

daute commented 2 months ago

Hi, I use clusterssh often, a great tool. Is there a possibility to use it with other protocols and tools (so that for each host a terminal opens and the input/output is redirected to each window)?

Maybe connect to Windows machines using smbclient and do some manipulations (file uploads, etc.) on multiple hosts? Or even better, use arbitrary commands on several hosts?

I could set

ssh_args=-W myDomain

in .clusterssh/config (can that be set using the command line?) the but (how) can one specify the clusters? e.g.

//\$ //\$ //\$

Is that possible?

Best regards, Wolfgang