dundalek / atom-markdown-mindmap

Visualize markdown files as mindmaps in Atom editor
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Zooming and dragging #2

Open laughedelic opened 9 years ago

laughedelic commented 9 years ago

I would suggest to have a setting for alternative controls:

I don't know though anything about interaction with those gestures..

dundalek commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion. Zooming and panning is handled by d3's built-in zoom behavior, which gets instantiated in the component. I don't have touchpad gestures configured on my laptop, I prefer the comfort of an external mouse, for which the current behavior works well.

Would you like to experiment with it, find out what is most intiutive and maybe create a PR?

laughedelic commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with javascript/coffescript and don't have time now to dig it. So let's leave this feature request open in case somebody else will be willing to implement it.