dundalek / closh

Bash-like shell based on Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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JVM: defalias doesn't work? #106

Closed jeroenvandijk closed 4 years ago

jeroenvandijk commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to extend the git command with a browse option, but defalias doesn't do what I expect.

In ~/.closhrc

(defalias git-sh "git")


$ git-sh
git-sh: command not found

Other functions work fine so I know closhrc is loaded.

The same thing happens when I do it in the shell itself:

$ (defalias git-sh "git")
{"git-sh" "git"}
$ git-sh
git-sh: command not found
$ (git-sh)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: git-sh in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1)
dundalek commented 5 years ago

You are right, aliases and abbreviations in the node version work by transforming the input string before it gets passed to the reader. I haven't got around to hooking it into the rebel-readline yet, so it does not work for the JVM version at the moment.

Although a bit clunky a possible workaround for now would be to use the defcmd like so:

(defcmd git-sh [& args]
  (eval (macroexpand `(sh "git" ~@args))))
jeroenvandijk commented 5 years ago

Thanks! There are two other issues though. With your example:

RuntimeException Invalid leading character: `  clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (Util.java:221)

When I try to hack around with eval and use ' I get this:

CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: ' in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0:0)

This seems to be an issue specific to closhrc. In the shell it does seem to work

jeroenvandijk commented 5 years ago

I've been playing with the last closh-zero version and I worked around the alias "issue" in a similar way as you suggested https://gist.github.com/jeroenvandijk/33c51ab73480358ddad18277fc066717

djblue commented 4 years ago

@dundalek Where is a good place to start looking at implementing this feature?

dundalek commented 4 years ago

@djblue This is a bit tricky, but I think I figured out a potential approach now.

For comparison the Clojurescript implementation is pretty straightforward. We get a line as string and just replace it if we find a match.

Clojure uses readers which makes it more difficult. The approach might be to create a reader which sits in between and buffers input to look for matches. I imagine it could be similar to how the custom reader hook is implemented.