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[Tutorial 10] Command line arguments only explained much later #58

Open studersi opened 6 years ago

studersi commented 6 years ago

The commands

$> for DAY in {20..29}; do for HOUR in {00..23}; do echo "2015-05-$DAY $HOUR"; done; done \
| while read STRING; do COUNT=$(grep -c "$STRING" tutorial-8-example-access.log); \
echo -e "$STRING\t$COUNT"; done | sed -e "s/-/./g" -e "s/ /-/" | arbigraph --xaxisticsmodulo 24/10 -w 130


$> paste  /tmp/tmp.get /tmp/tmp.post | awk '{ print $1 "\t"  $2 " " $4 }' \
| arbigraph -l -2 -c "GET;POST" -x 5/3 -w 130

make use of -w 130 for arbigraph which is only explained at the very end of the tutorial as a goodie.

Is it really necessary for these two commands, or could it be removed?