The Safes balances spells (Ethereum, Optimism, Polygon) are not properly capturing safes and forward-filling data from previous dates
Current behavior
As you can see in these queries (ethereum, optimism, polygon, the number of wallets for each day in these spells drop off greatly.
Expected behavior
The reality is that because the spell entails forward-filling the data from previous dates, there shouldn't be a decrease in number of wallets for each day.
can you confirm the tokens balances table you read from represents all of your intended safes each day, as in does it look like it forward fills for you? since you join the two, it would of course filter out if not
incremental models and window functions can be difficult to get to work together properly. when you read each incremental run, you filter down the source data to a particular timeframe. its possible its only getting a subset of addresses due to this
The Safes balances spells (Ethereum, Optimism, Polygon) are not properly capturing safes and forward-filling data from previous dates
Current behavior
As you can see in these queries (ethereum, optimism, polygon, the number of wallets for each day in these spells drop off greatly.
Expected behavior
The reality is that because the spell entails forward-filling the data from previous dates, there shouldn't be a decrease in number of wallets for each day.
Impacted model(s)
Possible solution
None. Thank you!