dunglas / frankenphp

🧟 The modern PHP app server
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[QUESTION] docker hub image tags #799

Closed ezekel closed 1 week ago

ezekel commented 2 weeks ago

Hi ,

I am confuse what is the difference of this tags , and which one should I pull to use in my dockerfile ?




Thank you in advance

withinboredom commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe we should update the readme in Docker hub explaining the tag formulas?

dunglas commented 2 weeks ago

We definitely need to improve the docs.

The main images (no specific variant) are FrankenPHP itself. "builder" variants are for building FrankenPHP with custom Caddy modules: https://frankenphp.dev/docs/docker/#how-to-install-more-caddy-modules "static-builder" variants are for creating statically compiled builds of FrankenPHP as well as embedding PHP apps in the binary itself: https://frankenphp.dev/docs/static/#linux

aungmyatmoethegreat commented 1 week ago

Please improve the tag name resolution; it's difficult to understand. I am in the process of formalizing all the tags in my Dockerfile.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 1 35 43 PM
dunglas commented 1 week ago

This is ongoing. Closing in favor of https://github.com/dunglas/frankenphp/issues/776, which tracks the progress on this topic.