duniul / clean-modules

🧹 Clean up/prune unnecessary files and reduce the size of your node_modules directory.
ISC License
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Autoreport detected issues to offending repositories #34

Open mcmxcdev opened 5 months ago

mcmxcdev commented 5 months ago

First of all, this is an amazing tool! It broke my Sveltekit application due to some commands for the dev server being dependent on *.md files, but it did what it's supposed to (removed 100+ MB) and worked without any issues.

I generated a clean-modules-result.json and would probably start reporting issues to GitHub repos, but then had the idea that there must be some way to do this automatically. At least for findings with 100% certainty that they shouldn't be in node_modules e.g. coverage or test files.

Did you consider this yet?

duniul commented 5 months ago

Glad you like the tool!

I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, do you have an example of how it would be used? It's not really possible for clean-modules to determine whether or not removing a file breaks the dependency or not 💭

mcmxcdev commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the misunderstanding. The first paragraph was solely about my great experience with the tool, not a request in any shape or form!

My question was more around a specific functionality: clean-modules-result.json gives back an useful list of issues with repos, but it's manual effort to report these issues to repo maintainers (which I did for some yesterday).

I would imagine that clean-modules could integrate with the GitHub API to create draft tickets in offending repos (which should be selectable/filterable from a list based on clean-modules-result.json) and prepare a text template. This way, users could easily help with cleaning up the JS ecosystem. It's probably a lot of effort to make this work well and not sure if realistic, but just wanted to put my thoughts down here.