dunky11 / voicesmith

[WIP] VoiceSmith makes training text to speech models easy.
Apache License 2.0
223 stars 32 forks source link

Can't install under Mac OS12 (Apple Silicon) #9

Open ZachB100 opened 2 years ago

ZachB100 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I just found this project yesterday, and I'm really excited to try it out. I am on macOS, using the M1 pro chip, and I am having some trouble getting this going. I first tried downloading a fork of the project when I couldn't get the original one to work, and that utilized Anaconda for installation. I was able to install successfully, but then when training had issues with some dependencies. After several hours of trying various things and running into multiple errors, today I finally manage to get the official latest version to run on my computer. I followed all the steps, got docker installed, however when running the project and clicking the "next" button to begin the installation I received the following error. Uncaught Exception: Error: docker run -itd --name voice_smith --mount type=bind,source=/Users/zacharybennoui/voicesmith/backend,target=/home/voice_smith/backend --mount type=bind,source=/Users/zacharybennoui/Library/Application Support/voice-smith/db,target=/home/voice_smith/db --mount type=bind,source=/Users/zacharybennoui/Library/Application Support/voice-smith/data,target=/home/voice_smith/data --ulimit stack=67108864 -p 12118:80 voicesmith/voicesmith:v0.2.2 failed with a status code of 125 at ChildProcess. (/Users/zacharybennoui/voicesmith/.webpack/main/index.js:7969:35) at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28) at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12) i'll be the first to admit that I am kind of a noob when it comes to programming, I've done python for a while and experimented with other machine learning speech synthesis library's, but I'm not super comfortable with coding or anything like that. With that being said, I went into the project directory, and edited the index.js file to attempt to change the targets for installation. Upon running the application again, the index file reverted back to the way it was before, and no matter what I did the changes would not take. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, again I'm pretty new, but I would assume that editing the paths would fix the issue. Can anyone help with this? I'm really interested in trying Voicesmith out. It's worth noting as well that I'm totally blind, and from what I was able to see of the web UI, you did a really good job with accessibility, whether that was intentional or not. Thank you so much for all your help. Really appreciate it.

kelseyjd commented 1 year ago

Can you link to the fork? I'm also having issues on Apple silicon