dunovank / jupyter-themes

Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
MIT License
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Colors in solarized-dark theme are switched #376

Open david-amirault opened 4 years ago

david-amirault commented 4 years ago

The color currently used to represent comments in code should be the primary content color, and the color currently used as the primary content color should be used for comments in code. The result is that the majority of the theme text has less contrast than should be the case for the solarized theme.

pythonic2020 commented 4 years ago

I noticed this also. Please fix, as I otherwise love the solarized themes!

pythonic2020 commented 4 years ago

To fix this, I made these two changes to solarizedd.less file in styles folder:

@solar-base01:          #bad0d9;

@solar-base1:           #768282;

Looks awesome, but I'd like to see if I can figure out how to slightly darken the text of the notebook menu items along the top so that code text stands out even more...

pythonic2020 commented 4 years ago

I also made this change to make selected code easier to see:

/* solarized codemirror colors */
@cm-selected:           darken(@solar-base02, 6%);
pythonic2020 commented 4 years ago

I also lightened the background of matching brackets:

@matching-bracket: lighten(@solar-base03, 10%);

