dunst-project / dunst

Lightweight and customizable notification daemon
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Add instructions to reload the .dunstrc file without restarting. #1278

Open bobkron opened 5 months ago

bobkron commented 5 months ago

Since dunst does not have a reload feature, added instructions in the docs to reload .dunstrc after making changes, without needing to restart the window manager every time a change is made during configuration.

bynect commented 4 months ago

I would say that killall dunst suffices, since the notification daemon is started automatically whenever a notification is sent

bobkron commented 4 months ago

Actually yes, that would suffice...will make the changes right away.

Narrat commented 4 months ago

Wouldn't it be enough to just describe what to do? There may be systems where killall is not available. And as there are a lot of different programs around for such a task (kill, killall, pkill, ...) it could be benefical to just explain in general what to do.

bynect commented 4 months ago

Wouldn't it be enough to just describe what to do? There may be systems where killall is not available. And as there are a lot of different programs around for such a task (kill, killall, pkill, ...) it could be benefical to just explain in general what to do.

you have a point. maybe just saying if you kill dunst (eg killall dunst) it will be started automatically when a notification is sent is enough?

zappolowski commented 4 months ago

Just my 2 cents here ...

since the notification daemon is started automatically whenever a notification is sent

This is correct, but dunst might not be the only notification daemon installed and without (re)starting it explicitly there's no guarantee that dunst is started on the next notification sent (it could be another daemon).

To add some other approach (the one I'm using), which relies on systemd user services and path triggers:

~/.config/systemd/user/dunst-watcher.path ``` [Path] PathModified=%h/.config/dunst/ PathModified=%h/.config/dunst/dunstrc.d/ [Install] ``` ~/.config/systemd/user/dunst-watcher.service ``` [Unit] Description=Restarts dunst whenever the configuration is changed. [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl --user restart dunst.service Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=false [Install] ``` This restarts `dunst` whenever any configuration file is saved.