dunxd / HomeAssistantAddons

Home Assistant Addons developed by dunxd
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configuration of user defined columns #43

Open gerosil opened 6 months ago

gerosil commented 6 months ago


COPS supports custom columns & I'm able to config them in config_local.php within the docker container. But after restarts, the file is reset & changes are gone. I've searched the file outside the docker (e.g. in /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/670b30ea_ha-cops) but couldn't find it.

  1. Can I edit config_local.php somewhere, where it's not overwritten? or
  2. Can you please add 'cops_calibre_custom_column' , 'cops_calibre_custom_column_list' & 'cops_calibre_custom_column_preview' in the Config-Section of your addon?

best regards, gero

dunxd commented 6 months ago

The fields in the add-on's configuration page are used in the run.sh file to add config lines to the end of config_local.php each time the container is created - see here.

Currently I am reluctant to add more complexity to everyone's configuration page by adding extra fields for more use cases - I would need to figure out defaults that would work for most people and document how to use each extra field - that ends up taking more time and energy than changing the code. It's not that I don't see the point, just that I don't have the time at the moment to do it properly.

This is github and all open source, so you could fork my repo and add the changes you need. You could do that by updating config.yaml to add the extra fields you want to the configuration page and then updating run.sh to add the config lines to the CONFIG_STR variable that is added to the end of config_local.php. If you are up for writing the documentation as well, you could submit it as a pull request to share with other users of this add-on. There is definitely room for improvement in the shell scripting I cobbled together!

There are other approaches that might be simpler if you just want to have a persistant config_local.php file and don't want to worry about what other people might need.