duoan / notes

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Feature Engineering Made Easy #33

Open duoan opened 5 years ago

duoan commented 5 years ago

Six major aspects of feature engineering:

duoan commented 5 years ago

Quantitative data are data that are numerical in nature. They should be measuring the quantity of something.

Qualitative data are data that are categorical in nature. They should be describing the quality of something.

duoan commented 5 years ago

The four levels of data.

duoan commented 5 years ago

The four levels of data.

  • The nominal level
  • The ordinal level
  • The interval level
  • The ratio level

The nominal level has the weakest structure. It consists of data that are purely described by name. Basic Examples includes blood type(A,O,AB), species of animal, or names of people. These types of data are all qualitative.

duoan commented 5 years ago

The four levels of data.

  • The nominal level
  • The ordinal level
  • The interval level
  • The ratio level

The nominal level has the weakest structure. It consists of data that are purely described by name. Basic Examples includes blood type(A,O,AB), species of animal, or names of people. These types of data are all qualitative.

The ordinal scale inherits all of the properties of the nominal level, but has important additional properties:

As with the nominal level, data at the ordinal level is still categorical in nature, even if numbers are used to represent the categories.

duoan commented 5 years ago

Cleaning Datasets