duojs / duo

A next-generation package manager for the front-end
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Bitbucket support #116

Open stephenmathieson opened 10 years ago

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

I use private bitbucket repos for business logic ('cause it's free ;)). The only reason I've moved from component@0 to component@1 is for built-in support. It'd be a bummer to have to go back to hosting a hacky proxy thing.

Would you guys be up for bitbucket support? If so, I can try to get something working soon-ish.

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

yah, definitely down, just not a priority for me atm.

I'm in the process of a big refactor to hopefully clean up duo#dependencies(). But after that gets merged, you should definitely hack in bitbucket support :-)

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

awesome I'll see what I can do.

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

@yields im gonna write a quick module (bb-resolve, basically a mirror of gh-resolve) and am wondering what exactly were going to need from it. it looks like all duo-package uses is ref.name, which is good because the bitbucket api sucks..

@MatthewMueller are you cool with something like:

var ref = resolve_from_github()
if (!ref) resolve_from_bitbucket()
if (!ref) this.error('boom!')

or should hitting bitbucket only work behind some setting somewhere? idk if people want their installs slowed down by default

yields commented 10 years ago

sounds good for now -- for the future are we going to do something like require('bitbucket.org/some/repo') and then have a bunch of providers or whatever ?

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

hmm idk. would we always prefix require()s with a provider, or just for non-github repos?

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

@yields im gonna write a quick module (bb-resolve, basically a mirror of gh-resolve) and am wondering what exactly were going to need from it. it looks like all duo-package uses is ref.name, which is good because the bitbucket api sucks..

Good idea!

@MatthewMueller are you cool with something like...

Hmm. I'd rather do something slightly more extendible (for other services), where we're not making a bunch of requests for bitbucket, private git server users. I like fallbacks (remotes: [...]) as a concept, but if we can minimize requests and keep them fast, that would be nice.

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

I'm leaning towards @yields suggestion, but we'd need a component.json solution that's seamless - maybe just { "bitbucket.org/some/repo": "*" }

yields commented 10 years ago

Hmm. I'd rather do something slightly more extendible (for other services), where we're not making a bunch of requests for bitbucket, private git server users. I like fallbacks (remotes: [...]) as a concept, but if we can minimize requests and keep them fast, that would be nice.

+1 actually yeah, in the end if we do fallbacks people who actually use them will see the slowness, so maybe it will be better to prefix...

duo.provider(/^bitbucket\.org:([\w\/]+)$/, function(m){
  // resolve
  // request
  // return a stream?
duo.provider(/^(github\.com:)?([\w\/]+)$/, function(m){
  // resolve
  // request
  // return a stream?

and then duo handles unpacking/bundling ?

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

+1 on duo.provider.

i assume no provider will always default to github?

also, return a stream? a stream of all resolved files, or ... ?

yields commented 10 years ago

also, return a stream? a stream of all resolved files, or ... ?

no clue haha, that's the hard part, i guess ideally a tar stream.

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

so, i'm seeing duo-package change it's resolve and fetch based on the provider:

Package('component/emitter', '*')

We might need to do what @yields suggested with /^bitbucket\.org:([\w\/]+)$/ to keep things extendable, but it'd be nice to do something like:


And have it all self-contained.

p.s. just spitballing ideas. not sure what the api would look like yet.

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

duo-bitbucket could maybe export a few functions like... resolve & fetch

yields commented 10 years ago

duo-bitbucket could maybe export a few functions like... resolve & fetch


to do this i suppose we should move all github logic from duo-package and put it in duo-github and then use it by default, just to make things more modular.

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

to do this i suppose we should move all github logic from duo-package and put it in duo-github and then use it by default, just to make things more modular.

+1 agreed and just have it be the default

matthewmueller commented 10 years ago

getting on flight, chat later!

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

yep, +1 for duo-{github,bitbucket}.

can it export something like:

exports.expr = /^(github\.com:)?([\w\/]+)$/

exports.resolve = function(){
  return ghresolve()

exports.fetch = function(){
  return getamagicstream()
jonathanong commented 10 years ago

how do you detect whether a repo uses mercurial or git? tempted to just never support mercurial. heh

stephenmathieson commented 10 years ago

just never support mercurial


bitbucket doesn't care anyway. if were going down the tarball route, you just https://bitbucket.org/user/repo/get/x.y.z.tar.gz for either git or mercurial