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Pin sphinx-autoapi to latest version 1.8.1 #11

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

This PR pins sphinx-autoapi to the latest release 1.8.1.

Changelog ### 1.8.1 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `273 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/273>`: Fixed type annotations being shown for only a single module. ``` ### 1.8.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * Expandable value for multi-line string attributes. * `265 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/265>`: Can resolve the qualified paths of parameters to generics. * `275 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/275>`: Warnings have been categorised and can be suppressed through ``suppress_warnings``. * `280 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/280>`: Data attributes are documentated in module summaries. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `273 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/273>`: Fixed setting ``autodoc_typehints`` to ``none`` or ``description`` not turning off signature type hints. ``autodoc_typehints`` integration is consisidered experimental until the extension properly supports overload functions. * `261 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/261>`: Fixed data annotations causing pickle or deepcopy errors. * Documentation can be generated when multiple source directories share a single ``conf.py`` file. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed ``DeprecationWarning`` for invalid escape sequence ``\s`` in tests. * Fixed ``FutureWarning`` for ``Node.traverse()`` becoming an iterator instead of list. * New example implementation of ``autoapi-skip-member`` Sphinx event. * Can run tests with tox 4. * Updated packaging to use PEP-517. * All unittest style tests have been converted to pytest style tests. * An exception raised by docfx is raised directly instead of wrapping it. * Started using Github Actions for continuous integration. ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * The fully qualified path of objects are included type annotations so that Sphinx can link to them. * Added support for Sphinx 3.3. and 3.4. * `240 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/240>`: The docstrings of ``object.__init__``, ``object.__new__``, ``type.__init__``, and ``type.__new__`` are not inherited. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `260 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/260>`: The overload signatures of ``__init__`` methods are documented. ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` ------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Dropped support for Python 2 and Sphinx 1.x/2.x. Python 2 source code can still be parsed. Features ^^^^^^^^ * Added support for using type hints as parameter types and return types via the ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints`` extension. * `191 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/191>`: Basic incremental build support is enabled ``autoapi_keep_files`` is enabled. Providing none of the source files have changed, AutoAPI will skip parsing the source code and regenerating the API documentation. * `200 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/200>`: Can pass a callback that edits the Jinja Environment object before template rendering begins. This allows custom filters, tests, and globals to be added to the environment. * Added support for Python 3.9. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `246 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/246>`: Fixed TypeError when parsing a class that inherits from ``type``. * `244 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/244>`: Fixed an unnecessary deprecation warning being raised when running sphinx-build from the same directory as conf.py. * Fixed properties documented by Autodoc directives geting documented as methods. ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed AttributeError when generating an inheritance diagram for a module. ``` ### 1.5.0 ``` ------------------- This will be the last minor version to support Python 2 and Sphinx 1.x/2.x. Features ^^^^^^^^ * `222 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/222>`: Declare the extension as parallel unsafe. * `217 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/217>`: All overload signatures are documented. * `243 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/243>`: Files are found in order of preference according to ``autoapi_file_patterns``. * Added support for Sphinx 3.2. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `219 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/219>`: Fixed return types not showing for methods. * Fixed incorrect formatting of properties on generated method directives. * Fixed every toctree entry getting added as a new list. * `234 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/234>`: Fixed only some entries getting added to the toctree. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * autoapisummary directive inherits from autosummary for future stability. ``` ### 1.4.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * `197 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/197>`: Added ``autoapi.__version__`` and ``autoapi.__version_info__`` attributes for accessing version information. * `201 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/201>`: (Python) Added the ``autoapi_member_order`` option to allow the order that members are documentated to be configurable. * `203 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/203>`: (Python) A class without a docstring inherits one from its parent. A methods without a docstring inherits one from the method that it overrides. * `204 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/204>`: (Python) Added the ``imported-members`` AutoAPI option to be able to enable or disable documenting objects imported from the same top-level package or module without needing to override templates. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `198 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/198>`: Documentation describes the required layout for template override directories. * `195 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/195>`: (Python) Fixed incorrect formatting when ``show-inheritance-diagram`` and ``private-members`` are turned on. * `193 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/193>` and `208 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/208>`: (Python) Inheritance diagrams can follow imports to find classes to document. * `213 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/213>`: (Python) Fixed module summary never showing. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * black shows diffs by default * `207 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/207>`: Fixed a typo in the code of the golang tutorial. ``` ### 1.3.0 ``` ------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Dropped support for Python 3.4 and 3.5. Features ^^^^^^^^ * `151 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/151>`: (Python) Added the ``autoapi_python_use_implicit_namespaces`` option to allow AutoAPI to search for implicit namespace packages. * Added support for Sphinx 2.2 and 2.3. * Added support for Python 3.8. * `140 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/140>`: (Python) Added the ``autoapi-inheritance-diagram`` directive to create inheritance diagrams without importing modules. Enable the ``show-inheritance-diagram`` AutoAPI option to turn the diagrams on in generated documentation. * `183 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/183>`: (Python) Added the ``show-inheritance`` AutoAPI option to be able to enable or disable the display of a list of base classes in generated documentation about a class. Added the ``inherited-members`` AutoAPI option to be able to enable or disable the display of members inherited from a base class in generated documentation about a class. * The ``autoapi_include_summaries`` option has been replaced with the ``show-module-summary`` AutoAPI option. ``autoapi_include_summaries`` will stop working in the next major version. * Added support for Sphinx 2.4 and 3.0 Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `186 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/186>`: (Python) Fixed an exception when there are too many argument type annotations in a type comment. * (Python) args and kwargs type annotations can be read from the function type comment. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Tests are now included in the sdist. ``` ### 1.2.1 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) "Invalid desc node" warning no longer raised for autodoc-style directives. ``` ### 1.2.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Can read per argument type comments with astroid > 2.2.5. * (Python) Added autoapidecorator directive with Sphinx >= 2.0. * (Python) Can use autodoc_docstring_signature with Autodoc-style directives. * (Python) Added autoapi-skip-member event. * Made it more clear which file causes an error, when an error occurs. * Sphinx language domains are now optional dependencies. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Forward reference annotations are no longer rendered as strings. * (Python) autoapifunction directive no longer documents async functions as a normal function. * (Python) Fixed unicode decode errors in some Python 3 situations. * Documentation more accurately describes what configuration accepts relative paths and where they are relative to. ``` ### 1.1.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Can override ignoring local imports in modules by using __all__. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Fixed incorrect formatting of functions and methods. * Added support for Sphinx 2.1. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed some dead links in the README. * Fixed lint virtualenv. ``` ### 1.0.0 ``` ------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * `100 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/100>`: (Python) Added support for documenting C extensions via ``.pyi`` stub files. * Added support for Sphinx 2.0. * Toned down the API reference index page. * (Go) Patterns configured in ``autoapi_ignore`` are passed to godocjson. * New and improved documentation. * No longer need to set ``autoapi_add_toctree_entry`` to False when ``autoapi_generate_api_docs`` is False. * `139 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/139>` Added support for basic type annotations in documentation generation and autodoc-style directives. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `159 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/159>`: (Python) Fixed ``UnicodeDecodeError`` on Python 2 when a documenting an attribute that contains binary data. * (Python) Fixed private submodules displaying when ``private-members`` is turned off. * Templates no longer produce excessive whitespace. * (Python) Fixed an error when giving an invalid object to an autodoc-style directive. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * No longer pin the version of black. * Added missing test environments to travis. ``` ### 0.7.1 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Fixed a false warning when importing a local module. ``` ### 0.7.0 ``` ------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Dropped support for Sphinx<1.6. Features ^^^^^^^^ * Added debug messages about what AutoAPI is doing. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `156 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/156>`: (Python) Made import resolution more stable. Also capable of giving more detailed warnings. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Code is now formatted using black. * Removed references to old css and js files. * Replaced usage of deprecated Sphinx features. * Reorganised tests to be more pytest-like. ``` ### 0.6.2 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Fixed some import chains failing to resolve depending on resolution order. ``` ### 0.6.1 ``` ------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Fixed unicode decoding on Python 3.7. * (Python) Fixed autodoc directives not documenting anything in submodules or subpackages. * (Python) Fixed error parsing files with unicode docstrings. * (Python) Fixed error when documenting something that's imported in more than one place. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Added Python 3.7 testing. * Started testing against stable version of Sphinx 1.8. * Fixed all "no title" warnings during tests. ``` ### 0.6.0 ``` ------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `152 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/152>`: Removed the ``autoapi_add_api_root_toctree`` option. This has been replaced with the ``autoapi_add_toctree_entry`` option. * `25 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/25>`: Removed distutils support. * Removed redundant ``package_dir`` and ``package_data`` options. Features ^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Added viewcode support for imported members. * `146 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/146>`: (Python) No longer documents ``__init__()`` attributes without a docstring. * `153 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/153>`: (Python) Can document a public python API. * `111 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/111>`: (Python) Can opt to write manual documentation through new autodoc-style directives. * `152 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/152>`: Made it easier to remove default index page. Also removed autoapi_add_api_root_toctree config option * `150 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/150>`: (Python) ``private-members`` also controls private subpackages and submodules. * (Python) Added support for static and class methods. * (Python) Methods include ``self`` in their arguments. This more closely matches autodoc behaviour. * `145 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/145>`: (Python) Added support for detecting Python exceptions. * (Python) Can control how __init__ docstring is displayed. * (Python) Added support for viewcode. * (Python) Source files no longer need to be in ``sys.path``. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (Python) Fixed linking to builtin bases. * (Python) Fixed properties being documented more than once when set in ``__init__()``. * (Python) Fixed nested classes not getting displayed. * `148 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/148>`: (Python) Fixed astroid 2.0 compatibility. * (Python) Fixed filtered classes and attributes getting displayed. * (Python) Fixed incorrect display of long lists. * `125 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/125>`: (Javacript) Fixed running incorrect jsdoc command on Windows. * `125 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/125>`: (Python) Support specifying package directories in ``autoapi_dirs``. Trivial/Internal Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added Sphinx 1.7 and 1.8.0b1 testing. * `120 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/120>`: Updated documentation to remove outdated references. * Removed old testing dependencies. * `143 <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/issues/143>`: Removed unnecessary wheel dependency. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-autoapi - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/sphinx-autoapi/ - Repo: http://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi