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pyefun 为python提供强大且易用的中文函数库,完整的封装了易语言核心支持库所有功能,以及易语言中简单易用的函数
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Pin ubelt to latest version 0.9.5 #17

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

This PR pins ubelt to the latest release 0.9.5.

Changelog ### 0.9.5 ``` Added * `blake3` is now an optional hasher Changed * `ubelt.hash_data` can now hash dictionaries and sets by default. * increased test speed * Internal change in how external hashers are maintained. Fixes * On windows colorama init is no longer called if it was ever initialized before. This fixes rare infinite recursion bugs when using pytest. ``` ### 0.9.4 ``` Added * Added `maxbytes` parameter to `hash_file` to allow for only hashing a prefix. Fixed * Docs seem to be building correctly now Changed * Made import time 13x faster (was 109680, is now 8120) by using lazy external type registration in `util_hash` and removing other eager imports. * Removed import dependency on six. There is still a runtime dependency, but we are moving away from six. This is a first step to deprecating Python2 support * Changed default of "blocksize" in `hash_file` to `2 ** 20` based on benchmarks. * Removing Travis-CI, will soon migrate to Circle-CI ``` ### 0.9.2 ``` Added * `ub.repr2` now accept type name strings at register time (which makes it easier to lazy-load heavy libraries) * `ub.repr2` now handles pandas.DataFrame objects by default * `ub.repr2` now accepts the `align` keyword arg, which will align dictionary kv separators. * functions in `ub.util_color` now respects a global `NO_COLOR` flag which prevents ANSI coloration. Changed * `ProgIter.step` now respects update freq, and will not update the estimates if too few iterations have passed. This prevents `ub.download` from generating extremely large amounts of standard out. * `ub.Cacher` now reports the file size of the cache file. * `ub.Cacher` now defaults to the latest pickle protocol (-1), which may cause compatibility issues. Fixed * `ProgIter` now correctly checks if it needs to displays a message on every iteration. * Fixed uninitialized `_cursor_at_newline ` variable in `ProgIter`. ``` ### 0.9.1 ``` Changed * `ub.repr2` now encodes inf and nan as `float('inf')` and `float('nan')` to allow output to be evaluated. * `ub.grab_data` now uses the hasher name in the cached hash stamp file. ``` ### 0.9.0 ``` Fixed * Fixed issue in setup.py that broke the previous release. ``` ### 0.8.9 ``` NOTE: THIS RELEASE WAS BROKEN DUE TO AN ISSUE WITH THE SETUP SCRIPT Added * `dpath` and `fname` keywords to the `ub.download` function. * `modname_to_modpath` can now find modules referenced by egg-link files. * `ub.sorted_keys` and `ub.sorted_vals` for sorting dictionaries Fixed * `ub.download` now accepts `sha256` and `md5` hashes. Changed * The argument names in `ub.group_items`, `groupids` was changed to `key`. * The argument names in `ub.dict_hist`. `item_list` was changed to `items`, `weight_list` was changed to `weights`. * The argument names in `ub.flatten`. `nested_list` was changed to `nested` ``` ### 0.8.8 ``` Added * Added `check` kwarg to `ub.cmd`, which when True will raise a `CalledProcessError` if the exit-code is non-zero. * Added support for pypy. Changed * Moved `timerit` to its own module. ``` ### 0.8.7 ``` Fixed * Fixed corner case where `util_hash` raised an import error when python was not compiled with OpenSSL. ``` ### 0.8.6 ``` Fixed * Removed the `NoParam.__call__` method. This method should not have been defined, and by existing it caused issues when using `NoParam` as a column-key in pandas. ``` ### 0.8.5 ``` Added * Timerit now has 3 new properties `measures`, `rankings`, and `consistency`. These keep track of and analyze differences in timings between labeled timerit runs. * `ub.take` now accepts `default=NoParam` keyword argument. Changed * Substantially improved documentation. * The following functions are now officially deprecated: `dict_take` ``` ### 0.8.4 ``` Changed * The following functions are now officially deprecated: `startfile`, `truepath`, `compressuser`, `editfile`, `platform_resource_dir`, `get_app_resource_dir`, and `ensure_app_resource_dir`, `dict_take` * Improve docs * `Timerit` and `ProgIter` are back, remove dependency on the external modules. ``` ### 0.8.3 ``` Changed * `PythonPathContext` now works in more corner cases, although some rarer corner cases will now break. This trade-off should be a net positive. ``` ### 0.8.2 ``` Added * Added `dpath` as an argument to `ub.augpath` Fixed * Custom extensions for `ub.hash_data` are fixed. Previously they were not passed down more than a single level. * The `convert` option for `ub.hash_data` was previously not hooked up. * Correctly expose `dict_diff` * Fixed issue in `ub.augpath` where `multidot` did not preserve the original extension Changed * `ub.Cacher` no longer ensures that the `dpath` exists on construction. This check is delayed until `save` is called. * `ub.CacheStamp` now accepts the `enabled` keyword. * `modpath_to_modname` now properly handles compiled modules with ABI tags. ``` ### 0.8.0 ``` Added * Add `ub.dict_diff`, which removes keys from a dictionary similar to `set` difference. * Add `ub.paragraph`, which helps with writing log messages * Add some benchmarks * Add lots more documentation. Changed * `ub.identity` now accepts `*args` and `**kwargs` and defaults the first argument to `None`, but still only returns the first argument. * The `sort` kwarg of `ub.repr2` can now accept a callable, which will act as a key to the `sorted` function * `ub.hash_data` now accepts the `extensions` kwarg, which allows the user to define how particular types are hashed. Fixed * Fix GH 53 * the `index` argument in `import_module_from_path` is now correctly used. ``` ### 0.7.1 ``` Fixed * Fixed bug in `ub.dict_hist` when `ordered=True`. (half of the keys would be lost). Also effected `dict_take`. * `platform_data_dir` now correctly raises an exception when the operating system is unknown. ``` ### 0.7.0 ``` Added * Add `memoize_property` Changed * `ub.cmd` now reports `cwd` on exception * Reworked requirements to minimize dependencies. * The `xxhash` and `pygments` dependencies are now optional. * The testing dependencies are now optional. ``` ### 0.6.3 ``` Added * new tests * add `util_stream` Fixed * Fixed issue in `ub.download` with bad content header urls ``` ### 0.6.2 ``` Added * `ub.platform_cache_dir` and `ub.platform_config_dir` now respect XDG environs on Linux systems. Changed * `ub.download` can now accept `fpath` as either a file path or a `io.BytesIO` object * `ub.FormatterExtensions.register` can now accept a type or tuple of types. Deprecated * `ub.platform_resource_dir` is deprecated in favor of `ub.platform_config_dir`. ``` ### 0.6.1 ``` Changed * `ub.repr2` now accepts negative values for `newlines`, which means use newlines until the current height is only `-newline`. * `ub.repr2` now keeps track of nesting depth from the bottom * Make result `ub.memoize_method` appear more like a bound method. Added * Add custom extensions to `ub.repr2` and expose `ub.FormatterExtensions` * Add `dict_isect` to `util_dict`. Fixed * Fixed misspelling in docs * Fixed misspelled detach kwarg in `ub.cmd` (the old `detatch` argument is now deprecated and will be removed) ``` ### 0.6.0 ``` Added * Add class variable `FORCE_DISABLE` to `ub.Cacher` * Add the `xxhash` algorithm as an option to `ub.hash_data` * Add `ub.peek` - 4-letter syntactic sugar for `lambda x: next(iter(x))` ``` ### 0.5.3 ``` Added * Add `key` to `ub.find_duplicates` Changed * Renamed first argument of `ub.chunks` from sequence to items * Improved type hints in google-style docstrings * `ub.cmd` verbose >= 3 now uses nicer Unicode characters if possible Fixed * Fixed GH41 ``` ### 0.5.2 ``` Added * Add verbose flag to `ub.CacheStamp` Changed * `ub.group_items` argument names have changed, and it can now take a callable as the second argument. The `sorted_` argument is now deprecated. * Symlink now reports location of old target when the new target does not match * Docstrings now uses `PathLike` as the type for arguments and attributes that should be considered paths (note strings are still accepted). * `ub.download` will now keep a potentially corrupted file if the hash does not match. * `ub.grabdata` will compute the hash of an existing file on disk if the .hash stamp is missing to try and avoid re-downloading the file. * Improved efficiency of `ub.argmax` ``` ### 0.5.0 ``` Added * added `ub.expandpath` Changed * Certain imports are now lazy to optimize startup time * change `ub.cmd` `tee` parameter to `tee_backend` (BREAKING CHANGE) * change `ub.cmd` `verbout` parameter to `tee` (BREAKING CHANGE) * `import_module_from_path` can now handle zip-imports where the zip-file is followed by a slash rather than a colon Removed * `tee` parameter from `ub.cmd` to `tee_backend` * `verbout` from `ub.cmd` ``` ### 0.4.0 ``` Added * `ub.find_exe` - a python implementation of which * `ub.find_path` - finds matching files in your PATH variables * `ub.CacheStamp` Modified * Replace in-house implementation of `OrderedSet` with the ordered-set PyPI package. * `ub.download` now accepts `hash_prefix` and `hasher` args. * `ub.hash_file` now accepts `types` args * `ub.augpath` now accepts `multidot` args * `ub.cmd` now accepts `cwd` and `env` args * Changing default behavior of `util_hash`. (BREAKING CHANGE) - Default of `ub.Cacher` `maxlen` changed to 40 for sha1 considerations - Default of `ub.hash_data` `base` changed from `abc` to `hex` - Default of `ub.hash_data` `types` changed from True to False. - Moved argument position of `hashlen` to the end. Removed * Remove `ub.OrderedSet`.extend Fixed * `ub.NoParam` is now Falsey ``` ### 0.3.0 ``` Changed * `ub.import_module_from_path` can now import modules within zip-files Removed * `ub.PY2` and `ub.PY3`. Use `six` instead. ``` ### 0.2.1 ``` Modified * `ub.dzip` now accepts a backend dict class as a keyword argument * `OrderedSet.intersection` can now handle a single argument * `Timerit` `num` now defaults to 1 * Add function `print` to Timerit ``` ### 0.2.0 ``` * Fix timezone issue with negative time-zones * Move internal `__init__` auto-generation logic to new `mkinit` repo * Network tests no longer run by default and require `--network` ``` ### 0.1.1 ``` * Add `ub.argmin` and `ub.argmax` * `ub.Cacher` can now be used as a decorator. * Rename `util_decor.py` to `util_memoize.py` * Add `key` argument to `ub.unique` and `ub.unique_flags` * Add `ub.argunique` * `import_module_from_path` now prefers the path module when there are name conflicts * Fix `ub.repr2` precision with numpy scalars * Add `ub.dzip` ``` ### 0.1.0 ``` Added * Add `inject_method` to `util_func.py`. * Add `allsame` Modified * simplified dynamic imports * `memoize_method` now handles kwargs * Can now update `ProgIter` description on the fly * Add methods to `OrderedSet` to complete the set API (e.g. `intersection`, `difference`, etc...) * Can now index into an `OrderedSet` using a slice * Add `appname` keyword argument to `grabdata` * Add `extend` to ordered set API * Increase `tqdm` compatibility with `ProgIter` Fixed * Fixed issue with `OrderedSet.union` where it ignored `self` * Fixed issue with `OrderedSet.union` where `__eq__` and `isdisjoint` were wrong * Fix issue with `ub.repr2` dictionaries with newlines in keys * Fix issue with relative paths and symlink ``` ### 0.0.44 ``` Added * `ub.iter_window` ``` ### 0.0.43 ``` Modified * Spelling: changed the `Timer.ellapsed` attribute to `Timer.elapsed`. * Verbosity of `Timer` and `Timerit` now depends on if a label was specified. * `Timer.tic` now returns a reference to the `Timer` instance. Removed * Remove `util_stress`, it was out of scope. ``` ### 0.0.42 ``` Modified * `hash_data` can now accept `OrderedDict` input * `dict_union` now returns `OrderedDict` if the first argument is one Fixed * bug in `hash_data` where negative integers did not work. ``` ### 0.0.41 ``` Added * `OrderedSet` / `oset` * Add `symlink` function that works on UNIX and Windows*. (*if use has symlink permissions, it works just like UNIX without caveats. Otherwise `ub.symlink` falls back to using junctions and hard links, which should still work mostly the same, except `os.path.islink` and `os.readlink` will not work among other minor issues). Modified * Add base to `augpath` * `ub.delete` now treats nested junctions as symlinks, unlike `shutil.rmtree`. ``` ### 0.0.40 ``` Modified * Add `numpy` support to `ub.repr2` ``` ### 0.0.39 ``` Modified * Changed `ub.Timerit`.call API to return a reference to the Timerit object instead of of the average seconds. Note this change is backwards incompatible. ``` ### 0.0.38 ``` Added * `ub.hash_data` and `ub.hash_file` for easy hashing of arbitrary structured data and file. * `ub.dict_union` combines multiple dictionaries and returns the result. Modified * `ub.Timerit` reports better measures of expected time. * New argument `total` to `ub.chunks` lets you specify how long an iterable is if `len` is not available (for generators) ``` ### 0.0.37 ``` Added * Add `ub.TempDir` * Add `ub.import_module_from_path` * Add `ub.import_module_from_name` Modified * can now choose `ub.cmd` tee backend (select or thread) on POSIX. * `ProgIter` now supports a more `tqdm`-like API * Add standard deviation to `timerit` * Minor enhancements to `ub.Cacher` Fixed * fixed unused argument `chunksize` in `util_download` * `ub.cmd` tests now work on windows * terminal colors now work on windows Deprecated * Remove most of the `static_analysis` module. Use code in xdoctest for now. Note: some of this functionality may return as general utilities in the future, but the existing constructs were only needed for doctests, which are now done via xdoctest. ``` ### 0.0.34 ``` Added - `ub.truepath` - `ub.iterable` - `util_func.py` with `ub.identity` - `util_download.py` with `ub.download` and `ub.grabdata` Changed - The`__init__` imports are now statically generated, this fixes the random third party attributes (e.g. `expanduser`, `Thread`) that were exposed in the `__init__` file. - `ProgIter` now uses scientific notation when it is small - `ub.AutoOrderedDict` now inherits from `ub.AutoDict` - tests are now running using `pytest` and `xdoctest` - `ub.cmd` now uses thread based logging Fixed - Fixed many failing tests on windows - Small bug and documentation fixes. Issues - `ub.cmd` does not work correctly on windows - some Unicode formatting does not work correctly on windows ``` ### 0.0.33 ``` Added - `ub.repr2` and `ub.hzcat` - `ub.color_text` ``` ### 0.0.31 ``` Added - Add `ub.argflag` and `ub.argval` ``` ### 0.0.28 ``` Added - `ub.AutoDict` and `ub.AutoOrderedDict`. - Many undocumented changed - Starting a changelog ``` ### 0.0.1 ``` Added - First release of ubelt - Changed from and before this time are undocumented ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/ubelt - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/ubelt/ - Repo: https://github.com/Erotemic/ubelt