Open pako-pl opened 8 years ago
the library should be rewritten to use the datastax php driver imo :)
I noticed that the page says Datastax PHP Driver is compatible with "Apache Cassandra versions 1.2, 2.0 and 2.1". But it will probably get updated if it doesn't work with Cassandra 3.x yet. So it might be a good idea to rewrite duoshuo/php-cassandra to use datastax/php-driver as a backend.
The DataStax PHP Driver is excellent if you don't mind cluster connection speeds at roughly equivalent of the time it would take you to write shit down and walk it over to the server to input things at the console. Those drooling for it: have you used it?
DataStax PHP Driver is crap. It cannot handle fast connects, therefore just falls to shit on a high concurrent system.
We're have tons of issues with it (moved off YACassandra). We need a different solution.
In the README it says:
"Using Protocol v3 (Cassandra 2.1)"
Does it mean that the driver won't work with Casssandra 3.x? The 2.x line is supported only until November 2016.