dupondje / PHP-Push-2

Z-Push Fork With CalDAV/LDAP Support
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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CardDAV support for owncloud / sabredav plus external IMAP provider #81

Closed arved closed 11 years ago

arved commented 11 years ago

Based on the CardDAV code of ziirish there is an working CardDAV backend for owncloud / SabreDAV. (see issue #80 / #76 / #47/ #71 )

to support my szenario there is a need to support external email provider with complete email address as loginname Owncloud, can not handle Email adresses as usernamens. To use PHP-Push-2 in this requirement I've added some code

magcks commented 11 years ago

Updates on contacts on my mobile phone are not syncing with ownCloud with your soulution.

arved commented 11 years ago

can you give me more infromation about your Environment? I've had a similar issue on a Galaxy Note 2. For unknown reasons the phone doesn't push calendar changes immediately. the ActiveSync Server does not "see" any requests regarding a contact update. After some time (about 10 min) or a reboot of the device the changes a anounced and synced. Can you confirm this behavior?

arved commented 11 years ago

second effect I cloud observe is: if you create a contact on the phone, after a sync cycle there are two indetical contacts. but one is only local. this seems to be a Problem in the WEBXML part, because the phone does not get back the Client ID of the entry after the contact is replicated. so the phone creates a new one, which ist merged with the old one. If you Change only the local contact changes are never replicated.

magcks commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I am using Android 4.2 (Cyanogenmod 10.1) on my Galaxy Nexus.

Before I've used PHP-Push-2 I tried oczpush (https://github.com/gza/oczpush) but I had Problems with the calendar sync on my Timezone (Europe/Berlin). There happened crazy things with it BUT the constact sync worked perfectly. So it think the problem is not the Phone.

Anyway Z-Push receives the changes: https://gist.github.com/justbrain/52e1faf4b025b29e8a0d (I changed the name of the contact from "Kai" to "Kaii" and added an organisation.)

arved commented 11 years ago

I have to do some more investigation on this, this may take some time

magcks commented 11 years ago

I've just tested it:

Take your time :) Tanks for fixing it.

magcks commented 11 years ago

Yeeeeaaah, I think it works with your last commit. Thank you veeeery much!

I have added some code (probably on the wrong method) to set the FN-section of VCard if it is empty (a better solution would be keeping the old one). This happens (with my phone) if I update the name of a contact. In ownCloud I see a empty string or "{name}" instead of the name ({name} seems to be the ownCloud representation for an empty name).


magcks commented 11 years ago

I just found another bug: If a contact has multiple Groups a new group will be created on the phone ("Group1,Group2") instead of putting the contact the Group "Group1" and "Group2" separately.

arved commented 11 years ago

should we move this discussion to this place https://github.com/arved/PHP-Push-2-owncloud/ ? I've just created the two issues there.

magcks commented 11 years ago

I think this is a good idea, because here we mix several issues into one.