dupontgu / retro-ipod-spotify-client

The software that powers the sPot: a 4th generation "Click Wheel" iPod with a full Spotify client.
Apache License 2.0
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AutoStart seems to not work #65

Closed XEROxMEXICANO closed 1 year ago

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Hello when I start my pi up the display is black. I think I've looked every on the page and can't seem to find an answer

have any suggestions?

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Do you have a mouse cursor? (if yes) What happens when you right click on the black screen?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

when I right click I get a menu that just says open terminal emulator, open browser, etc

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Can you upload photo's of your below files: 1) sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/environment 2) sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart 3) sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago







doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I had a similar problem and added to your below file 2 bottom last entry lines: sudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/environment

cd/home/xero/retro-ipod-spotify-client/frontend python3 &

No forward slash ('/") after frontend ... Then reboot and it worked !

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Has your "Spot" ever worked for you?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Nope it never has.

So I added the new line you told me and it still doesn't auto run the file

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

two lines !!

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Yeah I added both lines: a

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

my autostart only has two lines:

cd /home/pi/retro-ipod-spotify-client/frontend


doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Our "sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc" are identical!

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

let me modify my environment to look similar to yours and and see if it works

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

okay I'm at my computer now waiting for you

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

yours has to be after home/xero mine is home/pi

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

oh yeah, thanks almost forgot going to reboot again

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

change you autostart to look exactly like mine as well!

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I also have spaces between my lines

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Yeah it worked! but the clickwheel driver didn't start so going to put it back in the auto start and see if it works with it.

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

that always breaks things for me!

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

yeah as soon as I add it it doesn't work.

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

send a few photo's of your breakout board wiring if you used one and did you compile click.c ?

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Do you or did you work at Xerox?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

send a few photo's of your breakout board wiring if you used one and did you compile click.c ?

Yes I did compile it


And no I never worked at Xerox

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Your breakout board wiring may be incorrect can you send photo of the reverse side

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I'm retired from Xerox

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

The wiring is correct it does display it just displays darkness.

You used to work at xerox never heard of them before what did you do?

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Field Engineer

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

what to you mean it displays?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

What I mean is when I go and right click it it shows the menu. It just doesn't run the file on boot.

Was it hard to be a Field Technician?

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I used the 2"Adafriut display with composite video input

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

for my display I followed these instructions from rsflights

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I am a certified Electronics Technician so no it wasn't hard for me

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

wow, but how come you don't work there anymore if it wasn't hard for you?

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I'm not clear on what worked below:

"Yeah it worked! but the clickwheel driver didn't start so going to put it back in the auto start and see if it works with it."

Your breakout board wiring may be incorrect can you send photo of the reverse side

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

The file booted but the clickwheel isn't working anymore.

Wow, your 70 years old! your pretty smart most people I know who are 70 don't know how to use a tv.

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I Built a color TV from a kit (Heathkit) when I was17 years old

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Are you saying that the clickwheel was working?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Uh not the clickwheel does not work anymore. it no longer auto starts

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

how did you know the clickwheel was working?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

I ssh into the pi and manually started the file and moved it around

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

my clickwheel works with the entries I sent you

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

really? let me take a second look at the code and see if I messed up

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

how old are you?

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

I'm 17 years old

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Ah I see I have a granddaughter your age

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

I can't help you with your IPS Display, however can't understand why your clickwheel isn't working if it was before!

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Wow you built a ton of stuff.

I can't understand why it doesn't work anymore either, I think I'm just going to take a break and come back later to try and fix it

doris1347 commented 1 year ago

Taking a break always works for me ... Good Luck! & Stay Focused

XEROxMEXICANO commented 1 year ago

Thanks you so much for the help!! Hope you have a great rest of your day/night!!