Functions to generate probabilistic estimates of annual accumulation from ice-penetrating radar without the need for manual layer selection or correction
It may be advantageous to improve the stacking routine in PAIPR by taking account the local layer slope and stacking along this trendline rather than directly horizontally. In this case, the processing order would likely be
Conversion to depth
Stationarize the data (remove trend and set constant variance)
Set depth cutoff, interpolate to core resolution, and clip to given cutoff
Radon transform the data (possibly with a larger window?) and estimate layer grad field
Data stacking, using the RT data to determine stacking (increase the window to 50 m?)
It may be advantageous to improve the stacking routine in PAIPR by taking account the local layer slope and stacking along this trendline rather than directly horizontally. In this case, the processing order would likely be