durdyev / webdriverxx

A C++ client library for Selenium Webdriver
MIT License
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Google Test problem? #11

Open sherifi opened 4 years ago

sherifi commented 4 years ago

The problem is here:

TEST(WaitForMatch, CanUseGMockMatchers) { using namespace ::testing; ASSERT_EQ(123, WaitForMatch([]{ return 123; }, Eq(123))); ASSERT_EQ(123, WaitForMatch([]{ return 123; }, 123)); ASSERT_EQ("abc", WaitForMatch([]{ return std::string("abc"); }, "abc")); ASSERT_EQ("abc", WaitForMatch([]{ return std::string("abc"); }, Eq("abc"))); ASSERTEQ(123, WaitForMatch([]{ return 123; }, )); ASSERT_EQ(123, WaitForMatch([]{ return 123; }, An())); std::vector v(1, 123); ASSERT_EQ(v, WaitForMatch([&v]{ return v; }, Contains(123))); ASSERT_EQ(v, WaitForMatch([&v]{ return v; }, Not(Contains(456)))); Duration timeout = 0; ASSERT_THROW(WaitForMatch([&v]{ return v; }, Not(Contains(123)), timeout), WebDriverException); }

in the wait_match_test.cpp

Functions An(), Contains() and Not() are not defined.

Do anyone have the idea how to fix this?