duritong / puppet-trocla

puppet integration for trocla
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make a default storage file and fix its permissions #5

Closed anarcat closed 10 years ago

anarcat commented 10 years ago

along with #4, i think we should provide a default storage file and make sure its permissions are alright, because if we follow the class declaration i have in #4, the file created is world-readable.

something like:

file { $trocla::storage: mode => 0400, owner => puppet }

should be good enough.

duritong commented 10 years ago

The default storage file only makes sense if you go with yaml as your storage, if you use anything else, it may look totally different. So I'm not really sure if we should handle this.

anarcat commented 10 years ago

maybe we could have a trocla::yaml class?

duritong commented 10 years ago

thanks for your ideas. I pushed various changes that include improved documentation and also a trocla::yaml class, as you proposed.

I hope that these changes address your concerns. Let me know if you are happy with it or have further suggestions.

anarcat commented 10 years ago

that looks good, thanks!