duritong / trocla

A password store for password creation and retrieval
75 stars 18 forks source link

Formats options fe80 #50

Closed fe80 closed 3 years ago

fe80 commented 6 years ago

Issue #49

duritong commented 6 years ago

Could we add some specs to test the new methods?

fe80 commented 6 years ago

Done, but I've a issue with search specs when I list formats for a bad key:

  1) Trocla in normal usage with list_format no return if key doesn't exist
     Failure/Error: expect(@trocla.available_format('list_key1')).to be_nil

       expected: nil
            got: []
     # ./spec/trocla_spec.rb:153:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

But when I try on irb it's ok:

irb(main):003:0> trocla.available_format('list_key1') => nil

an idea?