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Support for shipping information in EbayListing #6

Closed shekhargulati closed 12 years ago

shekhargulati commented 12 years ago

Currently the shipping information is hardcoded.

shekhargulati commented 12 years ago

I spend some time thinking about how I can integrate shipping information to EbayListing. I looked at the old code i.e. LiberecoShippingTemplate but I don't think this is what is meant my shipping information. As per the documentation shipping information correspond to how seller will ship the product. What is the cost of shipping, insurance , shipping type etc. You can refer the documentation at http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/AddFixedPriceItem.html#Request.Item.ShippingDetails In the current code, I have hard-coded it as shown here https://github.com/dushkindigital/marketmap/blob/master/web/src/main/java/com/libereco/web/external/ebay/EbayAddListingClient.java#L122 Does it make sense to support these only to start off and then later update it? But I am not sure if these are applicable to other marketplaces or not.

shekhargulati commented 12 years ago

I have created one more API for doing CRUD on ShippingInformation. Now before creating the liberecolisting user has to create ShippingInformation.LiberecoListing has OneToMany relationship with ShippingInformation as seller can provide multiple ways of shipping. In the current implementation I have only considered only minimum information required to create listing on Ebay. We need to modify it once we move to other Marketplaces. For now I think it is done. In case anyone of you feel otherwise please feel free to reopen it.

prp commented 12 years ago

Right. Marketplaces such as eBay allow users to create ShippingTemplates and PaymentTemplates, so that the user doesn't need to re-enter the same shipping and payment details repeatedly when they want to sell multiple items in the same way. From a usability point of view, we should support the same in the Libereco API. The user should have the facility to enter their shipping and payment details once, create a template with a name and then refer to those templates when they list items. The templates will then be realised by creating mirror templates on marketplaces that support this feature -- on others the shipping and payment information has to be provided as part of an individual createListing call.

For that reason, there is also the division between Libereco template information (relevant for all marketplaces) and marketplace-specific ones (such as additional information that eBay requires for shipping or payment).

Can you confirm that this is in line with how you think about those templates? (For this, I reopened the ticket). Thanks!

shekhargulati commented 12 years ago

As per our chat yesterday we are on the same page. So I am closing this issue.