dusk-network / jubjub

Implementation of the Jubjub elliptic curve group
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change implementation of dusks `Fr::random()` function to be uniformly distributed #121

Closed moCello closed 11 months ago

moCello commented 1 year ago


The current implementation of Fr::random() in the dusk module generates a random array of 64 bytes and wraps them around to fit a Fr. This means that some of the values are hit more often than others. To ensure a uniform distribution, we can randomly generate a bit-pattern of 251 bits until a valid Fr representation is found. This random scalar generation is not constant time but still as long as the underlying random number generator is functioning as it should, this is no problem.

Relevant Context


Possible Solution

    pub fn uni_random<R>(rng: &mut R) -> Self
        R: RngCore + CryptoRng,
        let mut buf = [0; 32];
        let mut scalar: Option<Self> = None;

        // We loop as long as it takes to generate a valid scalar.
        // As long as the random number generator is implemented properly, this
        // loop will terminate.
        while scalar == None {
            rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
            // Since modulus has at most 251 bits, we can zero the 5 MSBs and
            // improve our chances of hitting a valid scalar to above 50%
            buf[32 - 1] &= 0b0000_0111;
            scalar = Self::from_bytes(&buf).into();
moCello commented 11 months ago

We want to avoid having two different implementations of the random scalar generation, which rules out the above proposal.

Instead we should mimic the bls library as implemented in https://github.com/dusk-network/bls12_381/issues/129

moCello commented 11 months ago

After extensive discussions we decided to not change the random scalar generation because it was deemed secure enough for our purpose:

We will use this paper to determine whether the current implementation of the random scalar implementation as done in the Field trait implmentation is cryptographically safe.

In the current implementation of random, we sample a random element with 512 bits, and reduce it by the modulo of the field of JubJubScalar to generate a valid scalar.

For JubJubScalar we have:

p := 0x0e7db4ea6533afa906673b0101343b00a6682093ccc81082d0970e5ed6f72cb7
p = 6554484396890773809930967563523245729705921265872317281365359162392183254199


s := 2^512
s = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084096

To check whether the above approach is secure, we do the following:

For p < s calculate r and m so that

s = rp + m

This leads to:

r := 2045593080716281616348203381729468609728209645786990242449482205581148743408809


m := s - p * r
m = 2244478849891746936202736009816130624903096691796347063256129649283183245105

Now we can check whether:

r > 2^64 * root(m/p)
r > 2^64 * root(0.34243408237518300501)
r > 18446744073709551616 * 0.58517867559847308999

This clearly holds true, which means that we fall in the first conversion of the paper above, and can safely sample an element from the field over 2^512 and take it modulo p.

This concludes that we don't need to make any adjustments to the current implementation of random scalar generation.