Open zachwolfe opened 2 years ago
PEHeader :: struct { machine: u16 number_of_sections: u16 time_date_stamp: u32 pointer_to_symbol_table: u32 number_of_symbols: u32 optional_header_size: u16 characteristics: u16 } /// Reference to a slice of bytes of size `size` in the PE file, starting at `rva` PEReference :: struct { rva: u32 size: u32 } PEOptionalHeader :: struct { // standard fields magic: u16 l_major: u8 l_minor: u8 code_size: u32 initialized_data_size: u32 uninitialized_data_size: u32 entry_point_rva: u32 base_of_code: u32 base_of_data: u32 // NT-specific fields image_base: u32 section_alignment: u32 file_alignment: u32 os_major: u16 os_minor: u16 user_major: u16 user_minor: u16 subsys_major: u16 subsys_minor: u16 reserved: u32 image_size: u32 header_size: u32 file_checksum: u32 subsystem: u16 dll_flags: u16 stack_reserve_size: u32 stack_commit_size: u32 heap_reserve_size: u32 heap_commit_size: u32 loader_flags: u32 number_of_data_directories: u32 // Data directories export_table: PEReference import_table: PEReference resource_table: PEReference exception_table: PEReference certificate_table: PEReference base_relocation_table: PEReference debug_table: PEReference copyright_table: PEReference global_ptr_table: PEReference tls_table: PEReference load_config_table: PEReference bound_import_table: PEReference iat: PEReference delay_import_descriptor: PEReference cli_header: PEReference reserved_table: PEReference } PESectionHeader :: struct { // TODO: fixed size arrays name: u64 virtual_size: u32 virtual_address: u32 size_of_raw_data: u32 pointer_to_raw_data: u32 pointer_to_relocations: u32 pointer_to_linenumbers: u32 number_of_relocations: u16 number_of_linenumbers: u16 characteristics: u32 } CLIHeader :: struct { cb: u32 major_runtime_version: u16 minor_runtime_version: u16 meta_data: PEReference flags: u32 entry_point_token: u32 resources: PEReference strong_name_signature: PEReference code_manager_table: PEReference v_table_fixups: PEReference export_address_table_jumps: PEReference managed_native_header: PEReference } PEFile :: struct { image: ByteSlice header: PEHeader* optional_header: PEOptionalHeader* sections: PESectionHeader* } fn get_section(file: PEFile*, index: u16): PESectionHeader* { if index >= file.header.number_of_sections { panic("index out of bounds") } (file.sections as usize + index as usize * size_of(PESectionHeader)) as PESectionHeader* } fn resolve_rva(file: PEFile*, rva: u32): u32 { i: u16 = 0 print("Attempting to resolve rva ") print_num(rva as u64) print("\n") while i < file.header.number_of_sections { section :: get_section(file, i) if section.virtual_address <= rva && rva < section.virtual_address + section.size_of_raw_data { offset :: rva - section.virtual_address + section.pointer_to_raw_data return offset } i += 1 } panic("nope") } fn main() { metadata := read_file("external/win32metadata/Windows.Win32.winmd") signature_location :: read_u32(metadata, $3c) if read_byte(metadata, signature_location) != "P" || read_byte(metadata, signature_location+1) != "E" || read_byte(metadata, signature_location+2) != 0 || read_byte(metadata, signature_location+3) != 0 { panic("Invalid PE signature. Exiting.") } cursor := signature_location + 4 // TODO: reverse endianness when running on a big-endian CPU header :: read_pe_header(metadata, cursor) if header.machine != $14c { panic("Invalid machine number in PE file header. Exiting.") } if header.optional_header_size as usize != size_of(PEOptionalHeader) { panic("Invalid optional header size. Exiting.") } cursor += size_of(PEHeader) as u32 optional_header :: read_pe_optional_header(metadata, cursor) if optional_header.magic != $10b { panic("Invalid PE optional header magic") } cursor += size_of(PEOptionalHeader) as u32 first_section_header :: read_pe_section_header(metadata, cursor) file := PEFile { image: metadata header: header optional_header: optional_header sections: first_section_header } resolve_rva(&file, file.optional_header.cli_header.rva) free_slice(&mut metadata) } // Library code. ByteSlice :: struct { size: usize data: u8 *mut } fn new_slice(size: usize): ByteSlice { ByteSlice { size: size data: malloc(size) as u8 *mut } } fn read_file(path: i8*): ByteSlice { file :: kernel32.CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0 as usize as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *mut, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 as usize as HANDLE) invalid :: -1 as isize as usize as HANDLE if file as usize == _debug_mark(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE()) as usize { panic("unable to open file") } size := 0 as u64 succ :: kernel32.GetFileSizeEx(file, &mut size) if succ == FALSE { panic("unable to get file size") } size :: size as usize buf :: malloc(size) i := 0 as usize while i < size { bytes_to_read :: (size - i) as DWORD bytes_read := 0 as DWORD succ :: kernel32.ReadFile(file, (buf as usize + i) as void *mut, bytes_to_read, &mut bytes_read, 0 as usize as OVERLAPPED *mut) if succ == FALSE { panic("unable to read from file") } i += bytes_read as usize } ignore :: kernel32.CloseHandle(file) ByteSlice { size: size data: buf as u8 *mut } } fn write_byte(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32, value: u8) { *(( as usize + index as usize) as u8 *mut) = value } fn read_byte(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): u8 { *(( as usize + index as usize) as u8*) } fn read_u32(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): u32 { *(( as usize + index as usize) as u32*) } // TODO: This function doesn't work yet, unfortunately fn read_as[T](slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): T { if index as usize + size_of(T) > slice.size { panic("index off the end") } *(( as usize + index as usize) as T*) } fn read_pe_header(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): PEHeader* { if index as usize + size_of(PEHeader) > slice.size { panic("index off the end") } (( as usize + index as usize) as PEHeader*) } fn read_pe_optional_header(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): PEOptionalHeader* { if index as usize + size_of(PEOptionalHeader) > slice.size { panic("index off the end") } (( as usize + index as usize) as PEOptionalHeader*) } fn read_pe_section_header(slice: ByteSlice, index: u32): PESectionHeader* { if index as usize + size_of(PESectionHeader) > slice.size { panic("index off the end") } (( as usize + index as usize) as PESectionHeader*) } fn free_slice(slice: ByteSlice *mut) { free( as void *mut) = 0 as usize as u8 *mut slice.size = 0 } fn print_num(num: i64) { num := num if num < 0 { print("-") num = -num } if num >= 10 { print_num(num / 10) } print((num % 10) as u8 + "0") } fn print_num(num: u64) { num := num if num >= 10 { print_num(num / 10) } print((num % 10) as u8 + "0") } fn print_byte_recurse(num: u8, count: u8) { num := num if count < 1 { print_byte_recurse(num / 16, count + 1) } num = num % 16 if num >= 10 { print(num as u8 - 10 + "A") } else { print(num as u8 + "0") } } fn print_byte(num: u8) { print("$") print_byte_recurse(num, 0) } fn print_word(num: u16) { print("$") print_byte_recurse((num >> 8) as u8, 0) print_byte_recurse(num as u8, 0) } // Windows FFI code. To be cleaned up later HWND :: void *mut HANDLE :: void *mut MB_OK :: 0 as u32 FILE_SHARE_READ :: 1 as DWORD fn INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE(): HANDLE { -1 as isize as usize as HANDLE } DWORD :: u32 STD_INPUT_HANDLE :: (-10) as i32 as DWORD STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE :: (-11) as i32 as DWORD STD_ERROR_HANDLE :: (-12) as i32 as DWORD BOOL :: i32 TRUE :: 1 FALSE :: 0 GENERIC_READ :: 2147483648 as DWORD GENERIC_WRITE :: 1073741824 as DWORD CREATE_ALWAYS :: 2 as DWORD CREATE_NEW :: 1 as DWORD OPEN_ALWAYS :: 4 as DWORD OPEN_EXISTING :: 3 as DWORD TRUNCATE_EXISTING :: 5 as DWORD FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL :: 128 as DWORD // it is not currently possible to have constant pointers, which is why this is a function for now fn NULL(): void *mut { 0 as usize as void *mut } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES :: struct { nLength: DWORD lpSecurityDescriptor: void *mut bInheritHandle: BOOL } OVERLAPPED :: struct {} kernel32 :: extern_mod("kernel32.dll") { fn GetStdHandle(nStdHandle: DWORD): HANDLE fn WriteConsoleA(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: void*, nNumberOfCharsToWrite: DWORD, lpNumberOfCharsWritten: DWORD *mut, lpReserved: void *mut): BOOL fn ReadConsoleA(hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: void *mut, nNumberOfCharsToRead: DWORD, lpNumberOfCharsRead: DWORD *mut, pInputControl: void *mut): BOOL fn CreateFileA(lpFileName: i8*, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, lpSecurityAttributes: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *mut, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE): HANDLE fn CloseHandle(hObject: HANDLE): BOOL fn GetFileSizeEx(hFile: HANDLE, lpFileSize: u64 *mut): BOOL fn ReadFile(hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: void *mut, nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD, lpNumberOfBytesRead: DWORD *mut, lpOverlapped: OVERLAPPED *mut): BOOL fn QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount: u64 *mut): BOOL fn QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency: u64 *mut): BOOL } user32 :: extern_mod("user32.dll") { fn MessageBoxA(hwnd: HWND, lpText: i8*, lpCaption: i8*, uType: u32): i32 }
Happens due to the early return in the resolve_rva() function. I'm not going to bother minimizing this yet.
update: unchanged by recent TIR changes
Happens due to the early return in the
function. I'm not going to bother minimizing this yet.