duste / FingerprintScannerRaspberryPi

Fingerprint Scanner using serial (UART) port on Raspberry Pi
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For Database #6

Open praveenmalav09 opened 6 years ago

praveenmalav09 commented 6 years ago

Can you please tell me how can i create and manage database for fingerprint Sensor R305 using raspberry pi 3?

jcroucher commented 6 years ago

The fingerprints are stored and matched on the scanner itself. What you have to do is a multi-step process.

then on scan

praveenmalav09 commented 6 years ago

but I want to use the sqlite3 database for large no. of entries so How can I use this? is it possible to use?

jcroucher commented 6 years ago

I don't believe it's possible with these style of fingerprint scanners. The scanning and fingerprint database is stored on the device itself.

praveenmalav09 commented 6 years ago

I use Raspberry Pi 3 so which type of Sensor I use to use Database?

praveenmalav09 commented 6 years ago

If I stored all template on the server and match with them. is it possible?

duste commented 6 years ago

You can pull the scanned fingerprint right off of the scanner. if you have software that can process the image and compare the image or an algorithm to the sql server it can work. you would be performing the image comparison on the RPi instead of letting the fingerprint scanner do that work for you.