dustin / go-coap

Implementation of CoAP in go.
MIT License
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Data From go-coap client is not reaching Java coap-californium server #39

Open uguessmyid opened 7 years ago

uguessmyid commented 7 years ago

@dustin We have generated some data using go-coap client and the data is not reaching Java-Calfornium-Coap Server. Though the go-coap client is working perfectly fine with go-coap server and node-js coap server, it is not working with Java Server.

More over the go-coap is not throwing any error also. And We don't see any data on the Java-server side from go-coap client.

fightingsoul009 commented 7 years ago

@uguessmyid have you found a solution yet ? I am trying to use Cupper user agent to work with server but so far i have not been able to do so.

kulak commented 7 years ago

If I recall correctly there are two options one is to never timeout and other is to timeout.

I found that in corporate environment UDP is frequently blocked. Most typical behavior is what you observe.

I have transferred thousands of messages using it including GO to .NET an GO to GO.

In early stages I tested same as you and run into firewall issues

kulak commented 7 years ago

UDP can get tricky from several perspectives.