dustin / gopro

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failed to parse field 'extra-deps' when installing #36

Closed worjak closed 3 months ago

worjak commented 7 months ago

I get this: jaw@wormnethub:~/gopro$ sudo stack install Could not parse '/home/jaw/gopro/stack.yaml': Aeson exception: Error in $['extra-deps'][1]: failed to parse field 'extra-deps': (Invalid package identifier: "crypton-0.33@sha256:5e92f29b9b7104d91fcdda1dec9400c9ad1f1791c231cc41ceebd783fb517dee,18202","crypton-0.33@sha256:5e92f29b9b7104d91fcdda1dec9400c9ad1f1791c231cc41ceebd783fb517dee,18202") See http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/ What to do? I'm on ubuntu 18.04 LTS

dustin commented 7 months ago

I'd definitely not recommend doing this stuff as root, but that's probably not related to your problem.

I assume you're not using nix? It's possible you have an old version of stack or old package libs or something. What does stack --version say?

worjak commented 7 months ago

It says "Version 1.5.1 i386"

worjak commented 7 months ago

So I get that nix is a package manager like apt-get - will Nix solve my problem? Thanks for your time!

dustin commented 7 months ago

That's a very old version of stack. I think that's the issue.

nix is a package manager that's part of nixos. I use it on MacOS X, but all of my Linux machines are running nixos so I've not tried it on anything else.

The primary thing it does is make sure that people have the right versions of the necessary software when installing things. e.g., correct postgres libs, build tools, compiler versions, etc... This project has three different subprojects in three different languages and I don't like keeping track of all that stuff, so my installs are all automatic via cd. Same stuff we use at work.

Asking people to install that sort of thing is kind of a big deal, but you'll at least need a recent version of the various tools. You might try ghcup to install the Haskell toolkit (including stack and compilers). I've not actually tried it, though.

worjak commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the advice. What version of stack will be sufficient? I’d prefer to stay with Ubuntu but will consider to upgrade to a more recent release.

dustin commented 7 months ago

I think I'm running 2.9. ghcup or nix should get you a somewhat more modern version. You can still use ubuntu, but it's likely to not deliver you recent packages for many things.