dustin / websaver

Use a URL as a screen saver.
6 stars 0 forks source link

Can not access password-protected pages #1

Open swinton opened 13 years ago

swinton commented 13 years ago

Hey dustin, great app! :)

I'd like to use it to access a web page that is behind a login, is there any way I could do that, e.g. perhaps by somehow being able to script the page that is loaded, through JavaScript, so I can just submit the login form automatically?

Also, would be cool if I could rotate through a number of pages.

Thanks, Steve

dustin commented 13 years ago

I've never tried a password protected page -- not entirely sure where I'd put the credentials due to the way the thing works. Perhaps it'd be sufficient to create a session in safari and see if it carries over?

Regarding rotating through pages -- I just set up a random CGI and have it reload periodically.