dustinballard / Code-Academy-Pro-Intensive-Capstone

This contains my final Code Academy Capstone project presentation, along with my SQL code in .sql text doc
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Summary #1

Open mp1pro opened 6 years ago

mp1pro commented 6 years ago

Criteria 1: Report

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): Each answer has three components: 1) SQL queries, 2) output tables as evidence, 3) text interpreting the query results. Necessary comparison and interpretations were given for each question. 

Criteria 2: Query Accuracy

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): All queries accurately retrieve the data intended. Good job including ORDER BY statements to organize the tables and make interpretation easier!

Criteria 3: Query Formatting

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): Queries adhere to at the rules of the style guide. Good work using aliases to rename the columns and using indentation to organize your subqueries, both made your queries easy to read.

Criteria 4: Understanding underlying concepts and terminology

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comment(s): The final report and conclusion demonstrates an appreciation for the data being analyzed. Great use of tables to prove your dissertation of the dataset. Only suggestion would be to incorporate other charts and slides for more visualization of the data and its progression. 

Overall Score: 16/16

dustinballard commented 6 years ago

Good evening Marvin, Thanks for taking the time to review my Capstone and I appreciate the advice!

Have a great week, Dustin