dustinblackman / Championify

Import recent item sets from popular aggregators like Champion.gg in to League of Legends to use within game! No hassle.
MIT License
890 stars 157 forks source link

Error "causedBy called without Error instance #432

Open MoshiAngelic opened 5 years ago

MoshiAngelic commented 5 years ago

I just installed I've tried using both the Exe and the .Zip files and both are having this same issue (I included a gyazo screenshot below I hope thats okay,) I cant make a preset or anything and the clients not even making an actual log, Trying to hit upload log also fails, I've made sure it can get through my firewall and isnt being bugged by my antivirus, I've set it to always run as admin and still manually run as admin I cant figure out what the hells wrong with it... OS: Win10 pro v1.2.5 League client: NA https://gyazo.com/7c43f22691430da2ff24b4190240d347 its located on my pc at C:\Users\GAMING\Desktop\Championify not sure what to do I've looked everywhere for a possible log it could make but it seemlingly isnt making one at all. any help? 7c43f22691430da2ff24b4190240d347