dustincoates / alexa-bus-schedule

An Amazon Echo Skill that gets the distance away from a given stop for a New York City bus.
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End point couldnt be called #2

Closed kirangavini closed 7 years ago

kirangavini commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response.


var http = require('http') var AlexaSkill = require('./AlexaSkill') var APP_ID = 'amzn1.ask.skill.c6c6069c-f72b-43a3-8614-9fd48656fbd7'; var MTA_KEY = "86384144-0f02-4256-b58c-e00161fceebb";

var url = function(stopId){ return 'http://bustime.mta.info/api/siri/stop-monitoring.json?key=' + MTA_KEY + '&OperatorRef=MTA&MaximumStopVisits=1&MonitoringRef=' + stopId; };

var getJsonFromMta = function(stopId, callback){ http.get(url(stopId), function(res){ var body = '';

res.on('data', function(data){ body += data; });

res.on('end', function(){ var result = JSON.parse(body); callback(result); }); }).on('error', function(e){ console.log('Error: ' + e); }); };

var handleNextBusRequest = function(intent, session, response){ getJsonFromMta(intent.slots.bus.value, function(data){ if(data.Siri.ServiceDelivery.StopMonitoringDelivery[0].MonitoredStopVisit){ var text = data .Siri .ServiceDelivery .StopMonitoringDelivery[0] .MonitoredStopVisit[0] .MonitoredVehicleJourney .MonitoredCall .Extensions .Distances .PresentableDistance; var cardText = 'The next bus is: ' + text; } else { var text = 'That bus stop does not exist.' var cardText = text; }

var heading = 'Next bus for stop: ' + intent.slots.bus.value; response.tellWithCard(text, heading, cardText); }); };

var BusSchedule = function(){ AlexaSkill.call(this, APP_ID); };

BusSchedule.prototype = Object.create(AlexaSkill.prototype); BusSchedule.prototype.constructor = BusSchedule;

BusSchedule.prototype.eventHandlers.onSessionStarted = function(sessionStartedRequest, session){ // What happens when the session starts? Optional console.log("onSessionStarted requestId: " + sessionStartedRequest.requestId

BusSchedule.prototype.eventHandlers.onLaunch = function(launchRequest, session, response){ // This is when they launch the skill but don't specify what they want. Prompt // them for their bus stop var output = 'Welcome to Bus Schedule. ' + 'Say the number of a bus stop to get how far the next bus is away.';

var reprompt = 'Which bus stop do you want to find more about?';

response.ask(output, reprompt);

console.log("onLaunch requestId: " + launchRequest.requestId

BusSchedule.prototype.intentHandlers = { GetNextBusIntent: function(intent, session, response){ handleNextBusRequest(intent, session, response); },

HelpIntent: function(intent, session, response){ var speechOutput = 'Get the distance from arrival for any NYC bus stop ID. ' + 'Which bus stop would you like?'; response.ask(speechOutput); } };

exports.handler = function(event, context) { var skill = new BusSchedule(); skill.execute(event, context); };

I am trying to use your code to learn how this function works, I see that you used three require statements, does those need to be imported in zip file as well? i run this program but it is stating end point couldnt be called. Can you please figure out the bug?

dustincoates commented 7 years ago

Closing as duplicate of #1