dustinkredmond / FXTrayIcon

Tray Icon implementation for JavaFX applications. Say goodbye to using AWT's SystemTray icon, instead use a JavaFX Tray Icon.
MIT License
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Write unit tests for FXTrayIcon class #1

Closed dustinkredmond closed 3 years ago

dustinkredmond commented 3 years ago

As the creator of FXTrayIcon, I have a good deal of experience writing both JavaFX and writing unit tests, however, I do not have a lot of experience writing test cases for GUI software. I'm more the type of person that writes->compiles->clicks about->finds bug->repeat when it comes to JavaFX and Swing development.

FXTrayIcon has a "runnable test" that serves as a basic smoke/sanity test, but the project would benefit from well-written tests. Currently, the build system really only checks if the code compiles, but it would be nice to see a passed build as a sign that they API actually does what it is intended to do.

I'm going to leave this issue open in hopes that someone who is experienced in writing tests for JavaFX and Swing will have a go.

dustinkredmond commented 3 years ago

Added some basic tests, testing while using CI platforms proves to be slightly more convoluted than thought. Closing this issue for now, hopefully to revisit and provide full test coverage, but basic test will suffice for the time being.