dustinkredmond / FXTrayIcon

Tray Icon implementation for JavaFX applications. Say goodbye to using AWT's SystemTray icon, instead use a JavaFX Tray Icon.
MIT License
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Minor updates and fixes #10

Closed EasyG0ing1 closed 3 years ago

EasyG0ing1 commented 3 years ago

Removed the thread that adds menuItems and rolled the isUnique test into the EventQue thread.

Changed the labels of the two default MenuItems for consistency.

Changed the default top menu's add method to an Insert at index 0 so that it is always at the top of the menu.

added the insertMenuItem method for added functionality.

Moved all private methods to the bottom of the class.

dustinkredmond commented 3 years ago

@EasyG0ing1 release 2.7.2 recently pushed to mvn central is now live with these changes.

EasyG0ing1 commented 3 years ago

@EasyG0ing1 release 2.7.2 recently pushed to mvn central is now live with these changes.

Excellent! I'll update my Maven POMs.