dustinlakin / twitch-rb

Twitch API gem
MIT License
51 stars 28 forks source link

Required Client-ID Header for Kraken API calls #26

Open xdsemx opened 8 years ago

xdsemx commented 8 years ago

Hi there. Those changes provided for upcoming API update. https://blog.twitch.tv/client-id-required-for-kraken-api-calls-afbb8e95f843#.4f0mstkn9 1) Added required Client-ID header to requests. 2) Spec for this case 3) Some refactoring

VxJasonxV commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, this pull request does much more than add the ability to set a Client-ID. You may also want to view the changes with whitespace only changes suppressed: https://github.com/dustinlakin/twitch-rb/pull/26/files?w=1

Loopingo commented 7 years ago


reneklacan commented 7 years ago

@dustinlakin ping, this gem is currently unusable without this change

VxJasonxV commented 7 years ago

Using bundler, which I highly recommend, you can specify a git source, and point to xdsemx's fork instead.

reneklacan commented 7 years ago

I am already doing that but that's not really a solution.

VxJasonxV commented 7 years ago

Why not? Rubygems isn't a source of truth, it's just a repository.

reneklacan commented 7 years ago

Because it's not straightforward (you probably have to come to this PR to find it) and it complicates any future contributions because people usually avoid contributing to fork.

I think that @dustinlakin should at least give maintainer privileges to somebody who still cares about this library. Or just update README and mention that this library is not maintained anymore.

dustinlakin commented 7 years ago

I can take a look at this and get somethings that fixes it in tonight/tomorrow.

kobel169 commented 7 years ago

@dustinlakin Any news about this PR?

anaumov commented 7 years ago

Hey, @dustinlakin. Do you have any plans to maintain this project? I saw you discussion with @ponny and this PR is still open. May be I can help you with project? ;)

VxJasonxV commented 7 years ago

Alexey, and any future commenters on this issue;

I strongly recommend learning how to select the use of a different repository, branch, etc. for continuing development. I recently switched to Crowd9's fork on the api-v5 branch and it's working stellar. I encourage you on this or any other project to explore the Fork Network (click Graphs, then Network) and look into repositories that have changes past the parent.

bundler makes it incredibly easy to specify an alternate location for a Gem ( http://bundler.io/git.html ), and I also recommend using bundler over gem install {*}.

For reference, to use Crowd9's fork and api-v5 branch for this gem, my Gemfile line is:

gem 'twitch', git: 'https://github.com/Crowd9/twitch-rb.git', branch: 'api-v5'

Make that change, save the file, bundle install, and you're done.

In an ideal world changes from other individuals would be accepted into the canonical source, canonical in this situation being the source that is installed by default from RubyGems, but people's priorities and obligations change. Dustin's situation clearly has and that's fine.

If a new fork becomes primarily canonical, I hope that RubyGems has a provision for being able to specify a new parent repository source on the same gem name. The trickier method is the GitHub fork network, the new canonical source may need to detach from the network in order to become a new parent repo/canonical source.

anaumov commented 7 years ago

Hey, @VxJasonxV! Thanks for your reply! Sure, I can you fork (and I did). I just asked to help with project - nothing more :)