dustinrue / ControlPlane

ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
1.75k stars 180 forks source link

controlplane cannot change the password required pref #476

Closed garykinetic closed 7 years ago

garykinetic commented 7 years ago

controlplane cannot change the password required pref for when screensaver comes on or when computer sleeps.

tharwan commented 7 years ago

same as https://github.com/dustinrue/ControlPlane/issues/421 I beliefe. Still waiting for this to be fixed too.

dustinrue commented 7 years ago

This is an issue that comes up a lot and unfortunately I don't have a good answer for you. Remember that ControlPlane is tapping into undocumented features of OS X to get certain tasks done. As far as I know, there is no other utility out there that can modify the screensaver password setting in the background and for good reason. Apple doesn't want people doing that.

It's very likely I'll be removing this feature from ControlPlane in the near future.