dustinspecker / generator-ng-poly

Yeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support
MIT License
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Gulp production build terminated #402

Open surajplobal opened 6 years ago

surajplobal commented 6 years ago

I am using angular 1.4.14, bower 1.8.0 and npm 3.6.0. I have used the following yeoman generator,https://github.com/dustinspecker/generator-ng-poly, to setup my project. I have full fledged web-ui ready in development mode when i run "gulp" cmd. But when i'm trying to generate production build by 'gulp --stage prod', which terminates without any log before minifying the templates. Find below the last logs generated,

[22:29:06] ESLint found no problems in 1 file [22:29:06] Finished 'markup' after 2.29 s [22:29:06] Starting 'scripts'... [22:29:13] gulp-imagemin: Minified 26 images (saved 109.57 kB - 12.9%) [22:29:13] Finished 'scripts' after 6.69 s [22:29:13] Finished 'images' after 8.73 s user@user:frontend$ I have checked all the console logs prior to this, there isn't any error or fatal error message displayed. The same code works in development mode.

How do I know whats failing the production build?