dustmop / makechr

makechr is a tool for generating NES graphics
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Missing Font File #2

Closed jcordial closed 7 years ago

jcordial commented 7 years ago

Whenever the package is installed with pip, it doesn't seem to include the res folder containing the font graphics necessary to create the nametable graphic. It would also seem the rom creation also depends on the aforementioned font file, so neither feature works as intended.

This is what scientists call "a real bummer", because for the most part this is a fantastic resource.

dustmop commented 7 years ago

@jcordial I'm very sorry for my late reply, I didn't have notifications enabled for some reason!

Version 1.1 is now available and fixes this issue, you can upgrade now:

pip install makechr --upgrade

That's strange that you say it breaks rom creation, that shouldn't be the case. Could you provide the command you're using to try and build a rom?