dusty-nv / jetson-containers

Machine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
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rostopic list command not found in all ros-noetic container (base,core,desktop) [JP 5.1, L4T35.4.1] #515

Closed udit7395 closed 1 month ago

udit7395 commented 1 month ago

In any of the l4t-35.4.1 Noetic base/core/desktop containers, rostopic command is not found. The environment is sourced when we run the container because roscore works but not rostopic list. Attached screenshot for reference


udit7395 commented 1 month ago

Installing the following fixed the issue. I still don't know why rostopic is not available in base ros-distrubution

apt-get install python3-rostopic