dusty-nv / jetson-containers

Machine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
MIT License
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What's the plan to support ROS2 Jazzy #538

Closed tonynajjar closed 1 month ago

tonynajjar commented 1 month ago

ROS2 Jazzy is fresh out of the oven. @dusty-nv what needs to be done to support it? Maybe I can help

dusty-nv commented 1 month ago

@tonynajjar haven't looked at this yet and am unsure to the extent that Ubuntu 22.04 is supported, but you could add it here and then it should show up as a container that you could try to build:


tonynajjar commented 1 month ago

@tonynajjar haven't looked at this yet and am unsure to the extent that Ubuntu 22.04 is supported

Ah right, I forgot that we are restricted by the ubuntu 22 because of Jetpack. Judging from the past, Jetpack for ubuntu 24 is probably not coming any time soon. ROS2 Jazzy does not support ubuntu 22 (at least not officially) so I'll close this issue.

This recurring timeline mismatch between Jetpack and Ubuntu is quite a pain; maybe there is a good reason I don't know about though.

dusty-nv commented 1 month ago

I compile ROS from source for that reason, and other ROS distros we are able to compile on different versions of JetPack/Ubuntu - just haven't tried out Jazzy on Ubuntu 22.04 yet. I guess I was going to let the dust settle from the release first - I saw others on social asking similar questions about Jazzy on OS other than 24.04 (especially since 24.04 itself was just released and most people have not changed yet)