dusty-nv / jetson-containers

Machine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
MIT License
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RTSP Video Output Fails on Jetpack 6 #547

Closed hunterwn closed 4 weeks ago

hunterwn commented 4 weeks ago

When I try to create an rtsp stream using the nano_llm docker image I get a GStreamer internal data stream error. WebRTC works fine with the same video device.

This is the command I'm running:

jetson-containers run $(autotag nano_llm) \
    python3 -m nano_llm.agents.video_stream \
            --video-input /dev/video0 \
            --video-output rtsp://@:1234/output

Here's the full output of the command:

Namespace(packages=['nano_llm'], prefer=['local', 'registry', 'build'], disable=[''], user='dustynv', output='/tmp/autotag', quiet=False, verbose=False)
-- Finding compatible container image for ['nano_llm']
+ docker run --runtime nvidia -it --rm --network host --volume /tmp/argus_socket:/tmp/argus_socket --volume /etc/enctune.conf:/etc/enctune.conf --volume /etc/nv_tegra_release:/etc/nv_tegra_release --volume /tmp/nv_jetson_model:/tmp/nv_jetson_model --volume /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus --volume /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume /mnt/nvme/projects/jetson-containers/data:/data --device /dev/snd --device /dev/bus/usb --device /dev/video0 --device /dev/video1 --device /dev/video2 --device /dev/video3 --device /dev/i2c-0 --device /dev/i2c-1 --device /dev/i2c-2 --device /dev/i2c-3 --device /dev/i2c-4 --device /dev/i2c-5 --device /dev/i2c-6 --device /dev/i2c-7 --device /dev/i2c-8 --device /dev/i2c-9 nano_llm:24.5.1-r36.3.0 python3 -m nano_llm.agents.video_stream --video-input /dev/video0 --video-output rtsp://@:1234/output
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/utils/hub.py:124: FutureWarning: Using `TRANSFORMERS_CACHE` is deprecated and will be removed in v5 of Transformers. Use `HF_HOME` instead.

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 18:54:02.837: cannot register existing type 'GstRtpSrc'

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: g_type_add_interface_static: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE (instance_type)' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: gst_element_register: assertion 'g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 18:54:02.837: cannot register existing type 'GstRtpSink'

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: g_type_add_interface_static: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE (instance_type)' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GLib-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 18:54:02.837: gst_element_register: assertion 'g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)' failed

(gst-plugin-scanner:58): GStreamer-WARNING **: 18:54:03.297: adding type GstEvent multiple times
sh: 1: lsmod: not found
sh: 1: modprobe: not found
[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- attempting to create device v4l2:///dev/video0
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- found v4l2 device: Logitech BRIO
[gstreamer] v4l2-proplist, device.path=(string)/dev/video2, udev-probed=(boolean)false, device.api=(string)v4l2, v4l2.device.driver=(string)uvcvideo, v4l2.device.card=(string)"Logitech\ BRIO", v4l2.device.bus_info=(string)usb-3610000.usb-3.2, v4l2.device.version=(uint)331656, v4l2.device.capabilities=(uint)2225078273, v4l2.device.device_caps=(uint)69206017;
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- found v4l2 device: Logitech BRIO
[gstreamer] v4l2-proplist, device.path=(string)/dev/video0, udev-probed=(boolean)false, device.api=(string)v4l2, v4l2.device.driver=(string)uvcvideo, v4l2.device.card=(string)"Logitech\ BRIO", v4l2.device.bus_info=(string)usb-3610000.usb-3.2, v4l2.device.version=(uint)331656, v4l2.device.capabilities=(uint)2225078273, v4l2.device.device_caps=(uint)69206017;
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- found 43 caps for v4l2 device /dev/video0
[gstreamer] [0] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [1] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1600, height=(int)896, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [2] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [3] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1024, height=(int)576, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [4] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)960, height=(int)540, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [5] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)800, height=(int)600, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [6] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)848, height=(int)480, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [7] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)800, height=(int)448, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [8] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [9] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)640, height=(int)360, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [10] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)440, height=(int)440, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction)30/1;
[gstreamer] [11] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)480, height=(int)270, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [12] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)340, height=(int)340, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction)30/1;
[gstreamer] [13] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)424, height=(int)240, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [14] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)352, height=(int)288, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [15] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)320, height=(int)240, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [16] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)320, height=(int)180, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [17] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)176, height=(int)144, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [18] video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)160, height=(int)120, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [19] video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [20] video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [21] video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [22] video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12, width=(int)640, height=(int)360, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [23] image/jpeg, width=(int)4096, height=(int)2160, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [24] image/jpeg, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [25] image/jpeg, width=(int)2560, height=(int)1440, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [26] image/jpeg, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 60/1, 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [27] image/jpeg, width=(int)1600, height=(int)896, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [28] image/jpeg, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 90/1, 60/1, 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [29] image/jpeg, width=(int)1024, height=(int)576, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [30] image/jpeg, width=(int)960, height=(int)540, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [31] image/jpeg, width=(int)800, height=(int)600, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [32] image/jpeg, width=(int)848, height=(int)480, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [33] image/jpeg, width=(int)800, height=(int)448, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [34] image/jpeg, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 120/1, 90/1, 60/1, 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [35] image/jpeg, width=(int)640, height=(int)360, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [36] image/jpeg, width=(int)480, height=(int)270, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [37] image/jpeg, width=(int)424, height=(int)240, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [38] image/jpeg, width=(int)352, height=(int)288, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [39] image/jpeg, width=(int)320, height=(int)240, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [40] image/jpeg, width=(int)320, height=(int)180, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [41] image/jpeg, width=(int)176, height=(int)144, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] [42] image/jpeg, width=(int)160, height=(int)120, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction){ 30/1, 24/1, 20/1, 15/1, 10/1, 15/2, 5/1 };
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- selected device profile:  codec=raw format=yuyv width=1280 height=720 framerate=30
[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:
[gstreamer] v4l2src device=/dev/video0 do-timestamp=true ! video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, framerate=30/1 ! appsink name=mysink sync=false
[gstreamer] gstCamera successfully created device v4l2:///dev/video0
[video]  created gstCamera from v4l2:///dev/video0
gstCamera video options:
  -- URI: v4l2:///dev/video0
     - protocol:  v4l2
     - location:  /dev/video0
  -- deviceType: v4l2
  -- ioType:     input
  -- codec:      raw
  -- codecType:  cpu
  -- width:      1280
  -- height:     720
  -- frameRate:  30
  -- numBuffers: 4
  -- zeroCopy:   true
  -- flipMethod: none
  -- sslCert     /etc/ssl/private/localhost.cert.pem
  -- sslKey      /etc/ssl/private/localhost.key.pem
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- codec not specified, defaulting to H.264
failed to find/open file /proc/device-tree/model
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- detected board 'NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit'
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- pipeline launch string:
[gstreamer] appsrc name=mysource is-live=true do-timestamp=true format=3 ! nvvidconv name=vidconv ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM) ! nvv4l2h264enc name=encoder bitrate=4000000 insert-sps-pps=1 insert-vui=1 idrinterval=30 maxperf-enable=1 ! video/x-h264 ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 name=pay0
sh: 1: lsmod: not found
sh: 1: modprobe: not found
[rtsp]   waiting for RTSP server to start...
[rtsp]   RTSP server started @ rtsp://ubuntu:1234
[rtsp]   RTSP route added /output @ rtsp://ubuntu:1234
[video]  created gstEncoder from rtsp://@:1234/output
gstEncoder video options:
  -- URI: rtsp://@:1234/output
     - protocol:  rtsp
     - location:
     - port:      1234
  -- deviceType: ip
  -- ioType:     output
  -- codec:      H264
  -- codecType:  v4l2
  -- frameRate:  30
  -- bitRate:    4000000
  -- numBuffers: 4
  -- zeroCopy:   true
  -- latency     10
  -- sslCert     /etc/ssl/private/localhost.cert.pem
  -- sslKey      /etc/ssl/private/localhost.key.pem
[gstreamer] opening gstCamera for streaming, transitioning pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> v4l2src0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> v4l2src0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer message new-clock ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> v4l2src0
[gstreamer] gstreamer message stream-start ==> pipeline0
18:54:04 | SUCCESS | VideoStream - system ready
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- onPreroll
[gstreamer] gstBufferManager recieve caps:  video/x-raw, format=(string)YUY2, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, framerate=(fraction)30/1, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, colorimetry=(string)2:4:5:1
[gstreamer] gstBufferManager -- recieved first frame, codec=raw format=yuyv width=1280 height=720 size=1843200
[cuda]   allocated 4 ring buffers (1843200 bytes each, 7372800 bytes total)
[cuda]   allocated 4 ring buffers (8 bytes each, 32 bytes total)
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer message async-done ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer message latency ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer message qos ==> v4l2src0
[cuda]   allocated 4 ring buffers (2764800 bytes each, 11059200 bytes total)
[cuda]   allocated 2 ring buffers (1382400 bytes each, 2764800 bytes total)
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- starting pipeline, transitioning to GST_STATE_PLAYING
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pay0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> encoder
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> vidconv
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> mysource
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pay0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> encoder
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> vidconv
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> mysource
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer message new-clock ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> pay0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> encoder
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> vidconv
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> mysource
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer message qos ==> v4l2src0
[gstreamer] gstEncoder -- new caps: video/x-raw, width=1280, height=720, format=(string)I420, framerate=30/1
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 4 
===== NvVideo: NVENC =====
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 4 
H264: Profile = 66 Level = 0 
[gstreamer] gstreamer message latency ==> encoder
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src
NVMEDIA: Need to set EMC bandwidth : 376000 
NvVideo: bBlitMode is set to TRUE 
[gstreamer] gstreamer message qos ==> encoder
[gstreamer] gstreamer mysource ERROR Internal data stream error.
[gstreamer] gstreamer Debugging info: ../libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c(3127): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline1/GstAppSrc:mysource:
streaming stopped, reason not-linked (-1)