Open thanhtruongphan opened 2 weeks ago
I'm doing a project that use Ros2-humble on Jetson. I'll do some image-processing with Jetson so I need an Jetson have Jetpack. And use Rplidar with ROS2.
I had tried this docker-container
but the Rplidar does not show up anything. I used that Docker container and follow this
But It's doesn't work. result is something like:
ps: my Docker run with configs:
sudo docker run -it --name ros-humble-container-esp32-2 \ -v /dev:/dev \ --privileged \ --runtime nvidia \ --network host \ --gpus all \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \ -v $XAUTHORITY:/root/.Xauthority \ dustynv/ros:humble-desktop-l4t-r36.4.0
Can you help me...or some instructions, pls @dusty-nv -thank you so much-
I'm doing a project that use Ros2-humble on Jetson. I'll do some image-processing with Jetson so I need an Jetson have Jetpack. And use Rplidar with ROS2.
I had tried this docker-container
but the Rplidar does not show up anything. I used that Docker container and follow this
But It's doesn't work. result is something like:
ps: my Docker run with configs:
Can you help me...or some instructions, pls @dusty-nv -thank you so much-